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Logan McLeod Mr. Bums Class D.A.R.E. Speech ilearned a iot in D.A.R.E. so i pian to teli you what i iearned and how | plan to stay off drugs. lliked D.A.R.E. because i iearned alot. i learned io siay away from drugs and gangs. First cigarettes will make you addicted, and then they will suck your money and iife away. if you get in a gang, you can not get out easy. Plus you will get in trouble with the law. Another problem worth mentioning is that if you were drunk and driving you could get nurt because your brain doesn’t think right after you have alcohol. lly the worst penaity for using drugs is death. ! plan to stay drug free because ! don’t want to hurt my body. | also plan io siay drug free for my friends, famiiy and Deputy Sherman. Aiso my dream is to be a vet or a N.H. L. player and if ! do drugs my dream will not come irue. if | get asked to do drugs i pian to say no thanks and waik away . That ! plan to stay drug free. i nope D.A.R.E. goes on for a iong time. | hope other students are abie to leam as much as | did about drugs and gangs. z is wh

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