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The code: green= definition purple=person blue=some general theme ‘You will now recite | LOVE JENNA WITH ALL MY HEART Please try not to share Psychology Chapter Notes Chapter 14 - personality otesolutio SHARE. STUDY. EARN. ‘A theory stating that personality is composed of S primary dimensions, neuroticism, extraversion, ‘openness, agrecableness and consciousness Neuroticism, extraversion , and openness personality inventory (NEO-PI-R): the instrament used. te measure the elements deseribed in the five factor model Psychobiological approach © Heritability of personality traits www Many studies have shown some personality tats are highly heritable Identical twins are more likely to like each ather than fraternal (concordance) Zuckerman: heritability of extroversion 70%, psychoticism 59%, neuroticism 48% If family environment played a significant part, twins raised together should be more similar than iftthey wore raised apart > WERE NOT! + 2possible explanations ~ family environments could have been mé vins or could have been perceived as different for fraternal twins © Brain mechanisms involved in personality Zuckerman: personality dimensions of extraversion determined by neural systems ‘Kagan: shyness could have a biological basis 1 similar for identical | Notesolution SHARE. STUDY. EARN. inctinets, reason and conscience + Sigmund Freud: ID EGO SUPEREGO ‘© Instinctual drives are triggered by evens ina person's li © Tounderstands a person's personality, must tap into unconscious Personality determined by conscious and unconscious powers Structure of mind: Unconscious: mental events which we are not aware www «Cousins: eit ets which wo mr ans *Preconsiows: meatal evn the may become conscious through efor 1D: the unontion reservoir ofthe Hb, the payee Tiida insistent inne frce that unresponsive to the demands of elisy Plessue pein th uth the ID obeys btn iumedite waitin, whatever fom it sy take fo: the ego als serves asthe general manager of personality pleats perceived by the ID and th tras ofthe superego Reality principle: involves compromising the demands ofthe ID andthe superego Spee: indvidls moras divide int the conscious scitie rules and regultions ergy that fuel instincts and psychic ‘making decisions regarding the | Notesolution SHARE. STUDY. EARN. ‘Genital stage: development of adult sexual desires + Carl ang: development of Freud's theory ‘De-emphasized the importance of sexual development Libido was a creative foree Ego totally canscious Collective unconscious: part of unconscious that contains memories and ideas inherited from our www © Archetypes: Jung believed that they resided in the unconscious + Shadow oppasite to fecling you actively hold # Allied alder Feclings of inferiority play a key role in personality development © Striving for superiority is bom from our noed to compensate for our inferiority + Karen Homey © Agreed anxiety isa basic problem we need to overcome +B options to del: ‘© Selfefficacy - moving towards others ‘© Self expansive ~ moving against others Resignation ~ move away from other SHARE. STUDY. EARN. + People project themselves into the scene © Poor reliability and litle validity ‘Allcultures lear men and women are different psychicully and physically + gender stereotype + males and females more alike than diferent aggression always plays a pare www + males have I igher threshold for pain + cultural influences behavioural tendencies und personality traits of males and females Psych chapter 15 -- social psychology otesolution SHARE. STUDY. EARN. © ete, wees jus went poopie get wie Hey GENEI¥e HH ey sus! stEOULON EA ‘+ We blame poor for their own predicament, we maintain a sense of justice and avoid having to deal with difficult underlying eauses of poverty Actor observer bis: tend to attribute their own behaviour to their circumstances (i.e, situation causes), but tend to attribute the behaviours of those we observe to their dispositions (ie, person causes) ‘+ Different focus of atention when we view ourselves ‘Different types of information are available tous www © Self servicing bias: the tendency to atribute our accomplishments and success to intemal causes and our failures to external behaviours © False consensus: the tendency of person fo perceive bis or her owa response as representative of general consensus + heuristics © Representativeness heuristic: general rule for decision making by which people classify person place or thing ito the category to which it appears to be the most similar ‘© Availability heuristic: general rule for decision making by which a person judges the likelihood or ‘an importance of an event by the ease with which examples ofthat event come to mind “Medical student syndrome Hypochondrias | Notesolution SHARE. STUDY. EARN. ‘+ Changing one of the dissonant elements © Festinger~1 dollar, no money, 20 dollars to li about boring experiment, proved cognitive dissonance + Artimde and expenditure Tend o value an item more ifit costs us something + Self perception www © Selfperception theory: the theory that we come to understand our attitudes and emotions by ‘observing our behaviour andthe circumstances under which it occurs ‘Situation explains why you do something Prejudice + Prejudice: perceived opinion or bias, especially negative evaluation toward a group of people defined by ‘heir racial, ethnic or religious heritage © Used to exert contr ‘Discrimination: the differential tretment of people based on theory on membership ofa particular group © Gives rise to ethnocentrism + Competition important factor in the development of prejudice | Notesolution SHARE. STUDY. EARN. ‘ngiments + Milgram ~ shocked person ‘= Significant percentage of people will follow orders of authority figures no matter what the effects on other people + Group decision making © Problems with group decision making are group polarization and group think + Group polarization: the tendency for the originsl postions of a group to be exaggerated www #3 factors ‘© Informal influcnce: new learning © Repeated exposure © Normative influence + Group think: tendency :o avoid dissent inthe attempt to achieve group consensus in the course of decision making ‘+ Can be avoided by using several precautions: (© Criticism far group members ‘© Relevant input should be sought from appropriate people ‘© Groups should be sought from appropriate people Group should be broken into subgroups tesolution SHARE. STUDY. EARN. www otesolution SHARE. STUDY. EARN. © Neuronal acuity or me vrain becomes suppressed, reauees innibilory controls on benavi0Ur, ‘moderate to heavy amounts people become more relaxed and outgoing, impaired motor coordination © Drinking and alcoholism may be genetic + Sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS ‘Safe sex practices will prevent this Ask www Unhealthy lifestyles are preventable: self control + Problem getting people to suitable healthy behaviours for unhealthy ones and make positive lifestyle changes Short term rewards versus Tong term rewards Stress and health Stress patter of physiological, behavioural and cognitive responses to stimuli (real or imagined) that are perceived as endangering ones well being Stressors: the stimuli that ae perceived as endangering ones well being. [Notesolutio SHARE. STUDY. EARN. 1 infectious diseases + 4-4 days before show signs of an infection is when persons says they were stressed ~ direct association * Cancer prone personality: behaviour patter marked by cooperativeness, lack of assertiveness, patience, suppression of negative emotions and acceptance of exteraal authority Coping with everyday stress 10 www Life changes source of stress ~ deuth, promotion, married, personal injury Different people perceive stressors differently — how significant itis Coping strategy: a plan of action that a person follows to reduce the perceived level ofstres, either in anticipation of encountering a stressor or in response to its occurrence Problem focused coping: aay coping behaviour tat is directed wt reducing or eliminating a stressor Emotion focused coping: directed toward changing one's own emotional reuction toa stressor Aerobic exercise CCoggitive reappraisal: alters ones perception ofthe threat Relaxation traning Progressive relaxation technique: 3 steps (1) recognising the body's signals that indicate the presence of stress 2) using those signals asa cue to begin relaxing (3) relax groups of muscles | Notesolution SHARE. STUDY. EARN. ‘+ Mental disorders originate in the an intrapsychic conflict produced between the three parts of the mind ~ ID EGO SUPEREGO © Medical perspective + Concept of mental illness 8s an illness ofthe mind + Caused by specific abnormalities ofthe brain and nervous system © Cognitive behavioural system + Learned maladaptive behaviours u www + Focuses on environmental factors and a person's perception of them © Humanistic perspective: + Proper personality occurs with unconditionsl postive regard + Mental disorders arise when people perceive that they must eam the positive regard of others © Sociocultural perspective + Cultures in which people Five in plays significant roe in the development of mental disorders + Extent 10 which person perceives their owa behaviour as normal or abnormal © The diathesis -stess model of mental disorders + How do we think about causes | Notesolution SHARE. STUDY. EARN. activities the object of anxiety is readily identifiable ~ snakes, insects, outdoors, small spaces + dmain phobias ‘Agoraphobia: fear of being alone in publie spaces ‘© Social phobi: fear of being observed by others ‘= Spovifc phobi: excessive irrational fear ofa specifi thing © Possible causes + Can be sarmed through classical conditioning ~ direct or vieurious R www + Biological basis reflects the evolution of our species + Obsessive compulsive disorder ‘© OCD: Recurrent unwanted thoughts or ideas compelling urges to engage in repetitive, ritual like behaviour ‘Obsession: involuntary recuring though, idea, image ‘Compulsion: iresistible impulse to repeat some action that does not serve 8 useful purpose Possible causes + Defence mechanism + Strong family transmission rate + Associated with Tourettes: neurological disorder characterized by ties and involuntary utterances [Notesolutio SHARE. STUDY. EARN. vwreranee 0 ouregun sm eUIEp IEE HER OH BH psychopaths or sociopaths '50% ofthe prison population, most fel ne need ta change their ways: Not ashamed, no feclings of remorse or guilt, no friendships Do not appear to be driven Possible euuses + Physiological and learning ~ less reactivity in emotional situations, de not respond as ‘much to stimuli B www + Hare -shock at #8, psychopaths show fewer signs of anticipatory fear, + Genetic: usually come from disturbed families + Environment: parenting ~ providing supervision is strongly related to development of antisocial personality disorder Cognitive: tend to view the world differently Psychoactive substance use disorders | Notesolution SHARE. STUDY. EARN. © Negative symptoms could be from brain damage or interference of normal prenatal brain development ‘© Personality and communicative bilities of ether or both parents seem to influence the role of development of schizophrenic symptoms of children Mood disorders 14 www + Mood disonler: a disorder characterized by significant shifts or disturbances in mood that affect normal perception, thought and behaviour © Deep foreboding depression © Depression and euphoria + Bipolar disorder: alternating states of depression and mania, separated by periods of relatively normal ‘+ Major depression: persistent and sever feelings of sadness, worthlessness accompanied by ehanges in appetite, sleeping and behaviour + Manis: excessive emotional arousal and wild exuberant unrealistic activity # Possible causes © Cognitive causes: negstive about themselves, self blame otesolution SHARE. STUDY. EARN. Psychology chapter 18 - The treatment of mental disorders www Mental disorders and psychotherapy ‘+ Earliest attempt to treat mental disorders —trephining ining: @ surgical procedure in Which # hole is made inthe skull of living person People believed that people with mental disorders were in possession of evil spirits People began to believe that they were ill and sent them to asylums ~ extraordinarily inhumane ‘© Philippe Pine! ~ thought kind treatment of patients would benefit them. ‘+ Development of psyehotherapy’ © Jens Memser— women with hysteria able to cure through hypnosis © Eelectie approach: a form of therapy in which the therapist uses whatever method he or she fecls will work best for a particular client a a particular time SHARE. STUDY. EARN. + Gestar cory a rorm or merapy empnasizmg tne unr or mma ana poay ay weaching zne cliont to “ge in touch’ with unconscious bodily sensations and emotional feelings + Confrontational - get client to deal with problems © Psychoanalytic therapy takes lots of time © Insight cherapy isnot suitable for serious problems © Humanistic is more affordable and less time consuming 16 www [Behaviour und cognitive behaviour therapies ‘+ Therapies bused on classical conditioning. © Systematie desensitization + Systematic desensitization: a method of treatment in which the client i trained to relax in ‘the presence of increasingly fearful stimuli + Remove unpleasant emotional response + Iimplosion therapy: therapy attempts to rid people of fears by arousing them intensely until responses diminish through habituation and they lear that nothing bad happens © Aversion therapy’ + Aversion therapy: treatment in which the elient is trained to respond neutral stimulus that has been paired with wn aversive stimulus egatively 10a otesolution SHARE. STUDY. EARN. Group therapy and community psychology ‘© Group therapy: therapy in which 2 or more clients meet simultancously © @advantages + Permits the therapist o observe and interprets actual interactions + Bring social pressure to bear on the behaviours ofits members + Sceing the causes in others helps a person to gain insight + Knowing others have similar problems uv www Structural family therapy: form of family therapy in which the maladaptive relationships among family _members are infered from their behaviour, made to restructure these behaviours to more adaptive ones ‘Community psychology’ a form of treatment and education whose goal isto address psychological problems through an assessment ofthe sociocultural context in which they develop. © Assistance in everyday living Preventative psychology: an atempt to forestall the development of psychological problems by altering the sociocultural variables predicative of psychological distress © Primary prevention: effort to eliminate conditions responsible for psychological problems and to simultaneously bring about conditions that contribute to adaptive behaviour © Secondary prevention: refers to prompt identification of problems and immediate in ‘minimize development of these problems rvention to tesolutio SHARE. STUDY. EARN. Psychologist develop set of strategies to guide professional activities and legistrur addtional regulations Sexual intimacies (Confidentiality — expected to take timely action to protect others who may be at risk, s courts have provided 18 www

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