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Jackal Stoddard

Pd. 3

A deer. Young. A milk-chocolate like color, with spots of pure snow white. Calmly
walking through the forest. Bends head. Eats slowly, and carefully. Big ears twitch. Looks up,
surprised. Crumples mouth still in the act of chewing.
Damn it! yells a voice, infuriated.
What? Another thing I did wrong? Too bad! a voice returns, snarkily.
Water. We need water! What the hell were you thinking? Animals need water too! They
can lead us to it! But, nooooooo. You go and kill it! You are reckless and impulsive! You are a
hazard to this team, Moluch1! caterwauled the first voice.
Me? Me? I am the only one who can get anything done around here! Moluch roared.
Boys, boys, calm down! Youll scare away the rest of the prey! said another.
Alexae, this does not concern you! Moluch grumbled
Moluch, you and Hameshon may be good warriors, but I am part of your team, so accept
it! Just because I am female doesnt effect how good I am! Alexae growled. If this continues,
Kemeluc and I will leave. You need us. Its now or never."
No. You will not leave. You and Moluch are the best archers Ive seen. He is your
comrade. Do not leave. And you, Kemeluc, are our one and only mage. You will stay. Without
you, our attack on the stronghold of Titen will fail. You must, and will listen to me. Your leader,"
Hameshon commanded.
All of you be quiet! Do you want us to fail? Let Ramonck plan. If he cannot plan our
attack, we might as well turn back! exclaimed a voice.
1 All names are made up.

Jackal Stoddard
Pd. 3
Helurnak, put your sword away, and shut up. This does not involve you. If Ramonck
needs quiet let him go somewhere else," Hameshon said, exasperated.
Gladly," Helurnak said.
The next morning, after a (un)satisfying breakfast of roasted venison, the group starts to
move through the jungle. These warriors were the best of the best, put together for their special
skills. Their leader, Hameshon. A swordsman, by the name of Helurnak. A straight arrow type,
Moluch, the archer. One of the most important, Ramonck, a strategist and explosives artist,
without him, an attack on Titen would be pointless and a suicide mission. The only two females
of the squad, Alexae, a hawkeyed archer, and Kemeluc, the best mage under Merlin. They were
the ultimate attack squad. The only problem? Moluch and Hameshon couldnt get along. Their
divide created a tension in the team that the other members hated. They fought almost everyday,
enraging the group. Then one night after a long trek, they were found by a group of marauders.
Moluch and Hameshon both managed to get up and slay the pillagers in mere minutes.They then
went out hunting, separately, to find provisions. With a simple slash, Hameshon crept behind a
beaver and killed it, while with one whistling arrow, Moluch brought down two squirrels. In the
morning, they started to trek again.
Eventually, they reached the outskirts of Titen, the impenetrable fortress. Many words
were used to describe it. Evil. Deathly. Hell. Damned. Cursed. Torture. War. Killer.
Overpowering. Poisonous. Menacing. Overall, bad. The leader, a ruthless man named Morak,
Morak the Destroyer. Morak the Evil. Morak the Killer. Morak the Reaper. A man by many
names, none of them nice. He had ruled Titen for 20 years, after his father's death. He ruled with

Jackal Stoddard
Pd. 3
an iron fist. Literally. He had once been fighting when his enemy chopped off his hand and he
had it replaced with an iron one. After that he killed that man brutally, using his blood to dye his
flag pure red. Blood red. Titen was meant to instill fear in those who came near. It was a hard nut
to crack. It was a giant triangular fortress. Three giant, constantly manned, walls. One gate on
each side.
So, Ramonck, how do we get in? Hameshon asked.
Youre not going to like it," Ramonck replied.
When has that stopped you? Hameshon grunted.
True. Okay. Heres the deal. Three sides. Six of us. Three groups of two. Lets say, sides
A, B, and C. Hameshon and Kemeluc will take side A. Moluch, Alexae side B. Then Helurnak
will come with me to take side B- I mean, C. I will give you bombs with enough firepower to
blast open those gates. Then, when we get in, cause havoc. Then we raid the sky tower. He flies
his flag from the top. He will be up there. If we can kill him and raise our flag, we will have
taken Titen! exclaimed Ramonck.
Yes, is Titen," Kemeluc said, flustered.
So they prepared. And prepared. And prepared. When they were finally ready to penetrate
the impenetrable, they went.

Side A - Hameshon & Kemeluc

Kemeluc stood, staff in hand, cloak billowing. Hameshon stood next to her, both hands
on his sword, with light glinting of the five foot blade. They heard a distant blast. Ramoncks
signal. Hameshon rushed forwards as soldiers reacting from the blast swarmed the grounds. With
a cry of rage, Hameshon swung his sword, connecting it with five men around him, slaying them.

Jackal Stoddard
Pd. 3
Kemeluc raised rocks from the ground and sent them flying towards enemies at speeds above a
human running pace. She took their swords, manipulating them in the air so they swung
randomly. Hameshon cried a fake retreat call and ran while Kemeluc raised the gate-bomb and
pummeled it through men until it finally hit the gate and blew up. The gate shattered, shattering
bodies and walls. Hameshon and Kemeluc picked their way through the massacre field, killing
any survivors with a flick of a wrist. As they went to the sky tower soldiers approached them and
were repelled. Forcefully. Kemeluc levitated a dead body and flung it towards a group
approaching. In a hall, three warriors advanced in a single file line. Hameshon flung his blade at
them, skewering them all, through the chest, and pinning them to a wall. He then retrieved his
sword, wiping of the fresh blood. They found the base to the sky tower, and waited for the B & C
groups to arrive.

Side B - Moluch & Alexae

Moluch and Alexae crouched shoulder to shoulder, with their bomb behind them. Hearing
a distant blast, warriors poured from Titen to defend. But Alexae and Moluch had come ready.
Moluch fired an arrow with rocks tied to it. It flew fast whipping people with speeding rocks,
until finally embedding in a soldier's neck. Alexae fired arrow after arrow at the approaching
warriors, cutting their lines down in unison with Moluch. Finally, Alexae stood up behind the
crouching Moluch. She attached a leather pouch to her arrow, set the bomb, set the bomb in the
pouch and fired at the gate. The gate blew. Its hinges burst from the impact. It did not break, but
fell. It fell straight down on about 20 warriors, killing them instantly. Moluch and Alexae strung
their bows over their shoulders, high-fived, and strolled through the fallen gate with swagger.

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Pd. 3
They then quickly found their way to the base of the sky tower with group A. Now all that was
needed was group C.

Side C - Ramonck & Helurnak

Ramonck and Helurnak were ready as well. Ramonck gave Helurnak a bomb. They went
to the corners of the triangle they could see. at the same time the left them to detonate. They
blew. That was the signal for everyone to attack. Soldiers swarmed out, but saw nobody because
Ramonck and Helurnak were hidden in smoke. Ramonck threw some small bombs he called
girn-adds. Those girn-adds blew up, killing soldiers instantly. Helurnak snuck through the
smoke, behind the warriors. He then raised his sword and silently picked them off, one by one.
Along with Ramonck, Helurnak had managed to kill everyone and no guards saw it from the
walls because of all the smoke obscuring their view. Ramonck then gave Helurnak some girnadds, and they chucked them, over and over, at tthe gate, till all that was left was a smoking,
charred, pile of crap. Ramonck lead Helurnak through the twisting paths. They found the base of
the sky tower, there they found squads A & B.

With a flick of her wrist, Kemeluc opened the door to go up into the sky tower. She
stepped inside and caught her foot on something. That something was a tripwire. Bells started
ringing, as warriors stormed towards the sky tower.
Kemeluc, Alexae, up the stairs. Now! Ramonck go! Helurnak, stay with him! Moluch,
run! Hameshon ordered.
No," Moluch exclaimed, defyingly.

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If you want to stay down with me, that is up to you! It will be a death trap down here!
Hameshon warned.
Ill take my chances," Moluch replied.
As everyone ran up the stairs, Moluch and Hameshon got into position. Moluch went up
a few steps, to get a higher vantage point, and pulled back his bowstring. Hameshon prepared his
sword, holding both his hands to the left, ready to swing. Warrior after warrior came, but
Hameshon cut the down, or Moluch put a arrow through them. A warrior snuck up behind
Hameshon, almost killing him, but Moluch put an arrow straight through his head. Another time,
Moluch came down from the stairs and a warrior snuck up behind him. Hameshon saw this, so
he quickly took a dagger from an opponent and hurled it at the man behind Moluch. The blade
went above the mans eye, killing him instantly.

In the sky tower - Helurnak, Alexae, Kemeluc, Ramonck.

Kemeluc went in first, the rest followed. It seemed Morak was expecting them. He
grabbed Kemeluc with his iron fist and held a knife to her throat.
Drop your weapons, or this little lady gets it! Morak warned.
Little lady? Who do you think I am? Kemeluc yelled.
Kemeluc raised her right hand, flicked it towards him, and he flew out a window to his death.
Lets raise that flag! Kemeluc exclaimed.
They raised their flag while taking down the red one.

At the base of the sky tower.

Jackal Stoddard
Pd. 3
As Moluch and Hameshon fought side-by-side, they became better partners. They started
to respect each other and even admire them. After many tries from the rest of their team trying to
bond them, the real thing that bonded them was war. THUMP. Moraks body fell from the sky
tower. The advancing warriors looked at his body, looked at Moluch and Hameshon, looked at
his body, looked at them, and ran. They ran till they couldnt run anymore, then they kept
running. Finally Moluch and Hameshon bonded over the taking of the untakeable fortress, Titen.
Their flag finally flew over Titen. As Helurnak, Alexae, Kemeluc, and Ramonck came back
down, the team was in fact, finally a united team. They then started to trek back to theyre

Back, in the kingdom the brought their king Moraks flag as proof of the victory at Titen.
There they relaxed and developed more weapons. They also heard of another thing needing 6
elite warriors, a full squad. They accepted.
10 years later.
Moluch and Hameshon still get along. The rest of the squad is doing well. They have developed
new weapons and defeated many enemies.

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