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Arlington national Cemetery is a very special place to me

and my family. It holds many personal memories. My grandfather

was a lieutenant in the Vietnam War. He used to tell me all sorts
of different stories of being a helicopter pilot and his different jobs
including his final job being a project manager for the M1 tank at
the Pentagon.
When I was in second grade my grandfather became sick
and in the beginning of the year 2009 the grandfather passed
away at the age of 69. It was very hard for me when my
grandfather passed away because I grew up next-door to him and
he took care of me all the time. During spring break we drove
down to Washington DC and buried my grandfather at Arlington
national Cemetery.
I didn't really understand how much Arlington national
Cemetery meant to so many people. In second grade to me it was
just a cemetery with a lot of soldiers. As I got older I learned it is a
extremely emotional place whether you have family buried there
or not because the people there have dedicated their lives to
protecting you and your country and that impacts me greatly.
My grandfather was three when his father and grandfather
were killed by the Japanese in the battle of manila (part of ww2).
my grandfather looked up to his dad and grandfather the way
they fought for their country. And when he came to the US as a
kid he was so proud to be an American and he wanted to honor
and serve his country. I looked up to my grandfather greatly as a

little kid and I still do. My grandpa has been a role model for me
and he always will be.

I would be honored to lay the wreath at the tomb of the unknown

soldiers because I know my grandpa would be so proud of me. so I
would love the opportunity to recognize my grandfather for his
dedication to our country and soldiers like him

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