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The age of the

long hitters

by Sha
Shaurya Singh

port is changing and Golf

is no exception. The adage
drive for show and putt for
dough may well be losing
its relevance thanks to a
paradigm shift inthe sport.
Long hitting has always been
an exhilarating aspect of the game; admit
it- holing a five foot putt is not half as
much fun as hitting a three hundred yard
tee ball!
Tiger Woods forever changed the way
competitive golf is played. The effects of
the change can be felt across all realms
of professional Golf.Up until Tigers
emergence a deft touch and good short
game were the key ingredients for playing
great. Fitness was an afterthought.
Tigers unbridled power and famous gym
routine changed the game forever.Athletic
ability became a vital asset: an increasing
number of professionals now habituate
the weight room.
Now that 350 yard drives are commonplace
on tour, one wonders if the ability off
the tee has become the single most
important factor in the big league. Never
has long driving shaped the destiny of
tournaments as today, weather it is Dustin
Johnsons rocket drives or Bubba Watsons
gravity defying swing, it is certain that
long drives make the game easy, as well
as exciting .Fans love to see their heroes
going all out.
Golf today is a global game; hence the
dissemination of the latest trends is quick.
Little wonder that the winds of change
are so evident in India.Across the country
brawny young professionals are thwacking
the golf ball,emulating their idols. The
three hundred yard drive is no longer the
holygrail. Now-a-days even teenagers are
hitting drives around this mark.
Who are the players who are making
waves on the PGTI with their long bombs,
and have a lot of hustle behind their
muscle?We will have a look at a few of the

54 G o l f P l u s




Khalin H Joshi
This young gun from Bengaluru is a recent winner on the
PGTI and one of its most entertaining players. He uses
his athletic frame very efficiently and generates power
through a late release (shades of Sergio Garcia!), which
helps in creating lag. An interesting incident indicative of
his power was on display in the second round of the Indian
Open (at the Delhi Golf Club) when he reached the par five
eigth in two shots; needing only a nine iron for his second

Siddharth Semwal
Affectionately known asSid to his friends, this drumming
enthusiast has moved up the long driving echelons thanks
to his regimented gym routine and an esoteric golf
swing. His fast tempo and an in-to-out attack angle helps
him generate tremendous ball speed, resulting in long
booming drives each and every time.

Abhijit Singh Chadha

Abhijits superior hitting abilities have brought him in
the limelight not only in India but, Asia as well. One of
the longest hitters in the continent, he is often referred
to as Indias answer to Dustin Johnson. A naturally gifted
athlete, Abhijit possesses a sound golf swing and is one of
the few players who have the ability to hit a three wood to
three hundred yards and more!

Abhishek Jha
At six feet six inches Abhishek dwarfs his compatriots, in
stature and ability, cementing his identity as the gentle
giant of Indian Golf. The key to his power is a wide swing
arc enabling generation of substantial swing speed.

Abhishek Kuhar
The young pro from Gurgaon has a Cabreraesque tempo
and the ability of hitting high towering drives, easily
flying the ball three hundred yards. His classic golf swing
generates power through a stable lower body and a wide
shoulder turn. His go for broke play has gotten him into
contention many times on the PGTI and he has a proven
ability for shooting low numbers on tough golf courses.

Mandeo Pathania
No mention of long driving can be complete without
mentioning Mandeo; the head pro at Jaypee Greens Golf
Club, now plying his trade on the Canadian GA is the
original prima donna of the long driving opera. His brand
of grip it and rip it golf has earned him quite a few course
records and the dubious record of having cracked fourteen
A bonafide gym rat, Mandeo obliterates golf courses with
his thunderous drives and powerful ball-striking. The
recently married man is still unquestionably the king of
swing, and with his lusty blows he continuesto conquer
even the most challenging golf courses.
Thanks to the technological advances that have made
the game easier, even the older pros are hitting the ball
farther than they ever have; this has made the game more
inclusive and has extended many careers. If the current
trends continue, the day that four hundred yards becomes
the new three hundred is not too far.





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