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South Ridge Elementary 3758 South Ridge Ave. City, STATE 12345 Phone (123) 456-7890 August 2?, 2008 Dear Parents, Welcome to the 2008-2009 school year! You will find that you child will mature tremendously in academics ond in personality during his/her second grade school year. Given the foundations of literacyin the first grade, | will have the opportunity to work with your child in order to help them become the best student they can be. | understand that all students learn at a different pace, and | will be providing lessons and assignments that will accommodate the levels of each individual c! After the first six-weekterm is complete, | will begin scheduling the first set of porent teacher conference. Therefore, conferences will be held during the week of October 20% - October 24°». | will be sending home o progress report for your child, and a parent-teacher conference scheduling sheet on Tuesday, October 14". look forward to meeting you, and | am so excited to have your child in my class this semester. If you hove any questions, please contact me. Sincerely. Mrs. Johnson (123) 987-6540

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