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College Visit Reflection 3

College/ University Visited: Johnson & Wales University

Campus Location: Providence, RI
Who attended this visit with you?
Saturday Academy Spirit Program.
What are three things you did on your visit?
1. Attended a presentation.
2. Took a tour around the campus.
3. Took pictures of the beautiful campus.
What is one thing you learned that you did not know before?
I learned that the national average time it takes a student to graduate their four
undergraduate years in college is 5.5 years.
What did you not do that you wished you have done while you were there?
I wish that I had used the bathroom when they told us to because the tour got really
Reflecting on this visit, what is one question you didn't ask but will ask on a future visit?
I would have really liked to ask how I would know whether I should apply to this school
or not.
After seeing what this college has to offer, are you interested in attending it?
I really liked the school, but I dont know whether its a right fit for me because it does
not offer my preferred major.

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