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BIPOLAR DISORDER OVERVIEW: 1, Eolic acid, vitamin By or vitamin C may be deficient, 2. Lithium carbonate administration appears to be most effective for the prevention and treatment (of manic states. 3. Lithium carbonate administration cin cause a folic acid deficiency. 4, Plasma calcium may be decreased in manic pat decreases urinary calcium excretion. ts, while lithium administration markedly 5. Barly work suggests that potassium chloride and, possibly, omepané auiy acids may reduce certain side effects of lithium carbonate 6. Mania may be caused by an excessive body load of vanadium: drug troaiments or ascorbic waid supplementation may work by antagonizing its effects 7. Excessive ingestion of L-glutamine, an excitatory amino acid, has also heen shown to cause 8. Sadenosv/L-metbionine may be effective in treating depression in bipolar patients; however, patients switch to 4 manie sate 9. Early studies suggest that supplementation with nutritional precursors of major neurotransrait- ters may be effective. These include Lephenvlalanine (precursor to dopamine and norepinephrine), phosphatidyl choline (precursor to acetylcholine) and Letryatophan (precursor to serotonin). 10. Fond sensitivities have been reported to cause severe mood swings; however, scieatifie evi- dence is lacking,

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