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at 9:00 in the evening.

1. Bad driving causes

2. he wake up

early in the morning.

3. The earth turns

4. The sun rises

many accidents.
around the sun.

in the east.

5. It (take) takes

me an hour to get to work.

6. A novelist writes
7. James is a taxi driver. He drives a taxi.
Circle the wrongly spelt words and write the correct spelling below

One day Emparor Akbar and Birbal were taking a walk in the palace gardens. It was a nice
sumer morning and there were plenty of crows happily playing around the pond. While
watching the crows, a question came into Akbars head. He wondered how many crows
were their in his kingdom. Since Birbal was acompanying him, he asked Birbal this
question. After a momants thought, Birbal replied, There are ninety-five thousand four
hundred and sixty-thre crows in the Kingdom.
Amaged by his quick response, Akbar tried to test him again, What if there are more crows
than you answered? Without hasitating Birbal replied, If there are more crows than my
answer, then some crows are visiting from other neihboring kingdoms. And what if there
are less crows, Akbar asked. Then some crows from our kingdom have gone on holidays
to ather places.
1 .

2 3. 4 5..

6.. 7 8 9 10.
Complete the following with collective nouns 10 x =5m
1. A.. of flowers
4.A..of hills

2. A. of flats

5 A.of thieves

7.A.of people 8.A ..of judges


2. he is his enemy but my

6. A.of bananas

9.A..... of players 10.Aof

Complete the following passage with their antonyms

1.parrot is beautiful but crow is .

3. A. of sheep

3. he disagreed but I .. it
4. you are strange

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