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We all have a friend or two making a killing in IT. How many friends have you ‘caught up with on Facebook with big houses and nice cars thanks to their Network and Security Admin jobs? Have you ever thought you could have a career lke that, if you just knew where to start? If you have, then PrepLogic's 27 Tips to Getting Started in IT Js for you. We've put together a really useful ist of 27 things you can do to get started in IT 4. Determine Your Personal Interests You want to be happy in your career, right? There are many specialties to choose from in IT. Which one would sult you? Figure out your own interests first, and then work towards fulfling those interests professionally 2, Set a Career Goal ‘Once you know what you want, consider how you'd like to achieve it. Do you have an interest in management, or would you prefer to work in the field? Perhaps you'd lke to be an entrepreneur or a freelance technician, Determine an “end ‘game" for your career, and develop a strategy to hit that goal 3. Get Involved in the Web Community Forums, blogs and social networking sites are a great way to find out about IT firsthand. You can soak in a lt of information fom articles and message boards on sites like Slashdot, Computerworld, Sadikhov, Itnews, and Infoworld. These sites can provide you with info about your career, or give you new ideas about potential opportunities, 4. Target Entry Level Jobs ‘Before you can work your way up, you have to know where to start There are many names for entry-level positions in IT, but here are some of the most common: + Desktop Support Technician + [Technician + In-store technician + Athome technician + End User Support Technician + Help Desk When you'e starting out, expect to see the terms technician, ‘support and help allot, Because these are the roles you wil il By knowing the entry-level positions, you'l know what the requirements youll need to meet are. 5. Learn Stuff! The most important element of an IT career is having the skil to perform your job. Those skils are leamed through experience and training, For most people, training comes fist You'll want to undergo a training program that teaches you the skills that you'll nged for the entry level positions you want ‘Some of the most important skills youll need to learn include: + Hardware and Software + Networking + Routing and Switehing 6, Find a Training Source and Stick to it Learning new skils can be a chore for many IT beginners. We suggest_ making the leaming process as simple ‘and uncomplicated as possible. One way to do that is to find a source for training, and then stick to it Too often, beginning IT techs will make matters dificult by going on a search for training every time a new skill must be leared. Abatter idea is, to find a reputable, reliable source for training and hit them up when it time to start a new program. 7. Build a Foundation of Skills. in Hardware and Software When you're getting started, we recommend building 2 foundation of entry-level skills that will be applicable to many. jobs. Having a strong command and understanding of Contemporary hardware and software is essential. But what ski do you need? A great resource is the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA). You can use the requirements for their A+ certifications as a checkist for the hardware and software skills you need. Some of them inclu (CPUsiProcessors ROM and RAM Drives/System Devices Power Supply Operating Systems ‘Security Troubleshooting 8. Build a Foundation of Skills in Networking 12. Never Be Finished with Your Education ‘Another commonly required talent is networking. In any size organization, the transfer of information between users and systems is crucial. There's always a demand for a skilled tactician who can offer reliable and effective networking skils, According to CompTid’s requirements for the Network+ Certification, here are some of the basics you must know’ ‘Topologies SI Model Ethernet Basics TOPIP IP Addressing DHCP Encryplion/Authentication Wireless, Remote Connections 9. Build a Foundation of Skills in Routing/Switching Connecting your network to the outside world is just as important as internal networking; maybe more so. To get your satin IT, have a plan in place to acquire skils in routing, switching and other extemal networking concepts, Cisco offers the CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) certification to validate your skills in this area. Training programs for the CCNA include vital concepts you need to know, including WAN Concepts/Configuration Shared Networking IP Routing Concepts Static IP Routing/Dynamic Routing LAN Devices Ethernet Switch Configuration Router Security Network Address Translation Virtual Private Networks 10.Mix the Right Formula of Education, Experience and Credentials To be an attractive candidate for most IT positions, you must possess the right mix of education, experience and ‘credentials, Fall short in any of those areas, and you'e less likely o get ajob. Few companies want to hire academic-only candidates with no real world experience or IT certfcations, Likewise, a technician with years of experience who hasn't bothered to acquire any professional certifications will have more career trouble than one who is certified At this point in your career, you can compensate for your lack of experience with IT certifications. Certifications show ‘more relevance and timeliness than mast academic IT training and they ilustrate your commitment to. your profession. They also show that you possess the skills that your potential employer wants. 11. Build Your Online Presence Carefully Using resources like Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter to get ahead professionally is a smart idea. But there stil isn'ta lot ff research on the long term results of online social and professional networking. Be cautious when using these resources. Don't lat them backfire on you. Make sure you're discreet about things you want to keep personal and don't let info that can harm you become public. Plus, we recommend limiting your accounts. Choose one service and focus your attention on it, rather than trying to maintain multiple ‘accounts. An out of date profile can be just as damaging as an embarrassing party photo, Having multiple certifications is key in being valuable to employers, but having the latest and mostup-to-date, Ccetificaions is just as important. This is a dynamic and constantly changing field. To be successful in IT, you need to ‘know the cutting edge technologies. Continuing io learn and, ‘expand your resume not only makes you marketable when, searching for a job, but staying current makes you more capable and valuable to your employer. 13. Create a Resume, Keep it Updated ‘The key to an effective resume is to mest your needs by ‘meeting your employer's needs. When a potential employer first looks at your resume it has to show who you are and what, you can do quickly. They're looking at hundreds (maybe thousands of resumes), and the first stop is to weed out the bad ones. A resume that's clear, concise and up to date allows your employer to see your experience/credentials at first glance. That makes the employer's ob easier, and makes, itmore likely you make the cut for the next round. 14, Create Your Own Network, Gain Referrals ‘They say the trick to getting ahead in the business world isn't what you know, i's who you know Well, thats not entirely rue. In this field, you need to know your stuff. But knowing the right people can help you get your foot in the door, or get your resume moved to the top ofthe pile Build relationships with everyone you meet, whether in a business or social setting, Altend trade shows, strike up ‘conversations at parties, and don't be afraid to ask friends to introduce you to people who might be helpful. Get your name ‘out there any way you can. 15, Chart a Course of Achievements As youre starting out on your creer path, youre going to head game plan. Once you've determined your cltmate ‘goal, set shorter-term checkpoints along the way. Your starting Sige mht bl ge yur rt cereale, anyour second might bo to find thet ent raking your jour own nt smaller chunk nat only makes your godl soem oss ‘overwhelming, but it also serves as a roadmap to keep you on track as you progress 16, Get Access to Technology Hands-on training is essential to your education. To reinforce ‘and truly make sense of everything you learn, i's important to hhave access to the technology you'be learning about in order, to practice and become more comfortable with your new skills. For example, computers with various operating systems ‘would be useful in studying for your Ax certification, and a. Cisco router or switch would be helpful in preparing for your CCNA. 17. Make the Most Out of the Least - Find Technology Cheap While getting access to the technology youll be using is important, you don't have to spend a fortune to do 0. Older PCs can be picked up for a bargain at garage sales and flea ‘markets, Check out online marketplaces such as eBay and Craigslist for good deals on all sors of used equipment, from, ‘compuiters to routers to servers. 18. Get Professional Career Advice 24. Improve Your Interview Skills Many colleges and universities offer career counseling to their students, If you're not a student, there are stil avenues available for you. Professional’ career development ‘counselors specialize in helping others find and advance their jobs. Check your phone 00k or local _job fairs for listings of career counselors in your area. The National Career Development Association (, whose members hold master’s degrees in counseling or related fields, offers a list of local acaredited counselors who can help you along your path, 19. Think One Step Ahead ‘Always be preparing to take the next step. Plan ahead, and take your future goals into consideration. Get the training that will help you now, as well as help take you to the next level in your career aspirations. Keep your eyes out for ‘opportunites that wil help you progress to where you want to be in the future. 20.Make Vertical Moves Similarly, make sure the moves you make are actually productive. Whether i's switching employers or moving to a ‘new department within the same company, your goal is to climb the career ladder, not to move horizontally and stay on the same level. Don't waste time and energy on a move that Isn'ta step up. 24. Get an Internship Sometimes it feols ke a catch-22: is hard to find a job Without experience, but how are you supposed to get experience without a job? The answer may lie in an Internship. While they're generally unpaid, companies are often willing to take on inexperienced workers in exchange for hhands-on experience and, hopefully, job recommendations later on. School career counselors are often able to help find lnterships for students, and job hunting sites like Monster and CareerBuilder, as well as Craigslist, have an option to ‘search for internships. 22, Join a Professional Society {A professional society provides you with builtin networking ‘opportunities. Groups lke the Association of Information ‘Technology Professionals (AITP) and the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) have cchapiers across the United States, including student specific Chapters at_many universities. Professional societies generally hold regular chapter meetings, which are a great place to get tips and advice, find out about the latest trends {and help grow your personal and professional network 23. Read Job Listings and Postings for Ideas - Give Them What They Ask For You know you need education and training to get a good career in IT. But what certifications should you get as you ‘prepare for your job hunt? Check the job listings. Ifyou notice 2 trend, then you know where to begin. Are there more job ‘openings for MCSEs? Do more employers in your area want ‘someone with their CCNA certification? Employers are telling you what they want through their job postings. Listen to what they'e asking for and deliver i When it comes to interviews, practice makes perfect. Have a fiend do @ mocksinterview with you. Not only wil the practice make you feel more comfortable, but with help youll be able to ‘target areas that need work. A.web search can provide you with lists of commonly asked, interview questions. Plus, don't forget to leatn all you can. about the company you're interviewing with, and be prepared with your own questions. 25. Improve Your Soft Skills People skills are an essential part of your job. It goes without, saying that you need working knowledge of technology for a successful career in IT. After all, the basic role of your job will be working with hardware and software, However, i's important to remember that @ good deal of your duties will involve working with other people, whether they're other IT professionals, customers or co-workers in other departments. In fact, even’ vendors realize the importance of these soft skis, CompTIA has recently included them a the domain of ‘their A+ certification, 26. Find a Mentor (One of the best ways to gain experience and get your feet wet, in the IT fel is by working with someone who has already been thare. Many large companies offer formal mentoring programs in which an entry-level worker is paired with an industry veteran to teach them the ropes. But if you're stil looking for that fst job, or your company doesn't offer such a program, there are other ways of finding mentors. Keep in ‘ouch with former bosses or supervisors from intemships with ‘whom you have built a relationship. Professional sociatios also offer an opportunity to meet more experienced workers, and cultivate a mentor-mentee relationship. 21. Get Certified Certifications are an essential key to getting work in the IT field. Not only do they compensate for lack of working experience, but they prove to hiring managers that you're skiled inthe areas they'te locking for. Training for cartfications can be done on your awn time, and can be dona in months or even weeks instead of the years you would spend in a traditional classroom setting. An IT certification, ‘may look like a simple piece of paper, but in reality it can be the key that opens the door to your new career. MORE HELP FOR YOUR CAREER: ‘You probably have more questions about your own career. Give PrepLogic a call for the answers, Our training specialists, have helped thousands of people become wal-paid, successful IT professionals and we can help you too. Call Preplogic at 1-800-418-6789 today for more information about training, cortfications, careers and special offers Thanks for reading our 27 Tips to Getting Started in IT. Give usa CALL TODAY TO LEARN MORE. 1-800-418-6789 —

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