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Emily Damm
English 6, Period 7

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A small population never stopped anybody, which is the exact example of
Guyana! It has the third smallest population in South America; the exact number is
799,613! Guyana should be on top of the Latin American Global Awareness list! Three
important objectives are the beautiful Iwokrama Forest, the amazing main Exports of
Guyana, and the variety of jobs that are available!
To repeat the first objective is about the unspoiled beauty of the Iwokrama Forest
is what made the forest a known subject of Guyana! The beautiful Iwokrama Forest is
the largest environmental origination in Guyana, making it available to many species of
animals. For example, there is a high rating of bats and fish! Furthermore, the Iwokrama
Forest is very tall; it stands at a height of 194 feet. 1Source 5 In general, the Iwokrama
Forest has a system that is very common in most forests; it is in the program for
sustainable forestry! What is sustainable forestry? It means managing our forest
resources to meet the needs we have today without interfering with [the needs of] future
generations That means making sure we are not using more trees than we can plant,
recycling tree-based products so as not to unnecessarily waste trees, and constantly
planting trees so that we not only have them for timber and paper products, but also to
serve the important functions of creating habitat, shelter, and carbon sequestration.

Source 5 Sustainable forestry is important for the environment, so it is almost

guaranteed that Guyana will be loyal and helpful in the future. Above all, the Iwokrama
Forest is a beautiful landmark that should be part of the Latin American Global
Awareness list!


(University, 2014)

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Equally important is the discussion of the production of exports Guyana provides,
which is the next objective! To begin, the main country that Guyana provides exports to
is Europe, they mostly provide sugar, but they also provide rice. Each year the demand
for those products goes up, which caused the government to ask for priority over other
clients. With the right investments, Guyana could easily become the breadbasket of
the Caribbean while at the same time increasing exports to markets in North America
and Europe. 3Source 6 Based on those facts Guyana should be set for a while. These
facts should lead to a conclusion that proves why Guyana should be on top of the
Global Awareness list!
Next is the third objective to which states the wow factor of Guyana. Much like
America, Guyana offers amazing options of jobs that are open to new interests. The
services sector is growing steadily and has been making an increasing contribution to
our overall economic performance in recent years.4 Source 6 There are great fields of
colleges for any artistic minds that want a career, an option that suits many. Education
is important too; many are struggling with learning so if desired anyone can help with
the bond of learning, and kids. Additionally Guyana provides an excellent opportunity for
the people of Guyana, which is breathtaking, and important for the Latin American
Global Awareness list!
In other words, these three paragraphs are the main point of Guyana, and the
astonishing things they have to offer for the Latin American Global Awareness list!
Charming such as it is the Iwokrama Forest is a safe place to visit and will provide
income for Guyana. Generally speaking, exports are not interesting, but the money that

(argiculture and agro processing , 2013)


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this provides is beneficial to Guyana! Typically, Guyana would be known as the
opposite of America, but it is almost exactly like America with the amazing choices for
jobs! To summarize Guyana is stunning and prosperous in its own way, which makes it
amazingly interesting.

Damm 5
(n.d.). Retrieved from
argiculture and agro processing . (2013). Retrieved November 7th , 2014, from
University, M. (2014). Earth Expeditions . Retrieved November 4th , 2014, from Earth
Expeditions : earthexpeditions.miamioh

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