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Assallamualaikum and a very good morning to our president, Professor Tan Sri

Dato Wira Dr. Mohd Shukri Abdul Yajid, vice president Professor Puan Sri Dato
Junainah Abdul Hamid, FBMP Dean Dr. Ali Khatibi, Heads of department, Program
managers, our belove lecturers, committee members and all my friends. First of
all, i would like to thank my lecturer for giving me this opportunity to deliver my
speech today on this stage.
As we all know, we are gather here today to show our ability to communicate in
public as we have learned throughout this semester in PEC02. How many of us in
this hall are able to speak in front of public confidently? How many of us are able
to hold a mic and deliver a speech without feeling any stage fright or even
manage to conquer their fear? Therefore, today lets prove that we are able to do
so after few weeks of classes with our lecturers.
The main objective of this event is to enhance the students communication
skills. By conducting this kind of event, students can develop their skills and
show off their talent. In addition, this kind of event helps us to promote the
awareness of effective communication skills.
Students confidence level can also be boost through this kind of event as well
enhancing students impromptu public speaking. Other than that, this proposed
event that we are having today really helps in building teamwork and social
communication between the participants.
I hope this event manages to achieve all of the objectives we have targeted and
may this talk show to be a success. Lastly, I hope that all of you enjoy the show.
Thank you.

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