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Sizoo 1

Daniel Sizoo
Rager 6
7 May 2015
Timed Write
Global Warming, pollution, and the waste of natural resources is affecting the world
immensely. This way of living is making the world dangerously unstable and it poses a big
threat. Future generations could cease if the Earth if ruined from our actions now. To stop this,
the government and the people should be heavily involved in green practices.
Article 5 shows a graph about the United States, China, Russia, Japan, and Indias green
habits. What is most shocking is that all 5 of these countries citizens participation in a group that
works to protect the environment ranges from 7-19%. To solve the problem of us destroying the
environment the government needs to step in and motivate the people. The United States
government needs to take an approach like Singapores government. Article 2 explains why we
should adopt a policy like Singapore. Webber shows us that buying a car in Singapore requires a
permit and the money spent on buying the car goes into supporting a transit system, which has
more users than the private auto trips (Webber). He also says The government awards a lump
sum tax rebate of 40% of the price of the vehicle to Singaporeans who opt for hybrids.
(Webber). This incentive shows the people that gasoline is a limited resource and it needs to be
spent wisely.
Sevastian Winters in Article 4 suggests that the government should create new laws to
protect the environment. This would cause companies and people to invent plans that would help
solve the main problems of the environment He also mentions creating new environment friendly

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products will create new jobs, which would help out the economy (Winters). Another solution
would be for the government to educate the people about the state of our environment. Winters
says No matter how you view the worlds resources, the one thing everyone can agree on is that
natural resources do not exist in limitless supplies. If the government could have advertisements
with a message like this, then green practices would increase.
Some say that the government adding green practices would cause oil companies and
other environment-harming companies to run out of business. In the end economics do not
matter if the world is destroyed so it would be best for everyone to get involved in green

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