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Chazdon, R. L. (2008, June 12). Beyond deforestation: Restoring forests and ecosystem services
on degraded lands. Science, 320(5882), 1458-1460.
This article provides information on forest restoration by managing an ecosystems
chances of getting effected by climate change, habitat fragmentation and will be
monitored as if it was a controlled closed system.
Hirakuri, S. R. (2003). Can law save the forest? Jakarta, Indonesia: CIFOR.
This book looks at the effects that have happened due to government getting involved
in forest preservation. They look at Brazil and Finland and look at the pros and cons of
the laws. Brazil does a poor job while Finland leads the way with effective laws that
help the ecosystem.
McLamb, E. (2011, September 18). Impact of the industrial revolution. Retrieved March 19,
2015, from Ecology website:
This artical shows how population has boomed over the years and how it has resulted
in an increase in demand for our resources. It then speaks of the idea of sustainability
and how we should preserve rresources for the future.
Pandit, M. K., Sodhi, N. S., Koh, L. K., Bhaskar, A., & Brook, B. W. (2007). Unreported yet
massive deforestation driving loss of endemic biodiversity in Indian Himalaya.
Biodiversity and Conservation, 16(1), 153-163.

This artical tackles the main points on deforestation in hot spots that have large
biomass. Specifically in the Indian Himalayas. They also show flaws in governmental
studies on biodiversity loss.
Shukla, J., Nobre, C., & Sellers, P. (1990). Amazon deforestations and climate change. Center
for International Earth Science Information Network, 247(4849), 1-6.
This article provides information and research about what happens when trees are
replaced with grass in the forest. It results in a rise in surface temperature as well as a
decreased rate of precipitation. With that being said, deforestation has more of an
effect as we may think.
Smith, D. W., Peterson, R. O., & Houston, D. B. (2003). Yellowstone after wolves. BioScience,
53(4), 330-340.
This is a great example of how just one species can make a difference in an ecosystem.
Specifically the Wolves being reintoduced into Yellowstone National Park.

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