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-Choose the correct sentence


We arent used to listening to that kind of music

We arentused to listen to that kind of music


She will soon get used to work here

She will soon get used to working here


I used to working for that company

I used to work for that company


We never got used to getting up so early

We never got used to get up so early


We used to getting up early but we are retirednow and we dont need to

We used to get up early but we are retirednow and we dont need to


When she moved to France she had to get used to drive on the right
When she moved to France she had to get used to driving on the right

g.We couldnt sleep very well in Japan, we arent used to sleeping on the
We couldnt sleep very well in Japan, we arent used to sleep on the floor


We used to travelling a lot before having children

We used to travel a lot before having children


The most difficult thing was to get used to eating such spicy food
The most difficult thing was to get used to eat such spicy food


I am used to working on the night shift

I am used to work on the night shift

Reprezinta atitudinea ce tradeaza sentimente de profunda
antipatie si dispret fata de membrii unui alt grup sau ai unei categorii
de persoane.
Se bazeaza pe zvonuri si nu pe cunosterea directa a persoanelor
fata de care exista stereotipuri.

Forme ale prejudecatilor

- rasismul (atitudine de inegalitate fata de rasele umane)
- nationalismul (tendinta de a aprecia exclusiv si exagerat tot ceea ce apartine
propriei natiuni)
- xenofobia (teama de indivizi straini care apartin altor culturi sau grupuri
- antisemitismul (atitudine ostila fata de evrei)
- sexismul (ansamblul miscarilor de emancipare feminine pentru a desemna
atitudinea si pozitia sociala dominatoare a barbatilor in societate
- gerontofobia (ostilitatea fata de batrani)
Discriminarea reprezinta tratamentul diferentiat aplicat unei persoane in virtutea
apartenentei, reale sau presupuse, a acesteia la un anumit grup social.
- in timp ce discriminarea reprezinta o forma de manifestare
comportamentala, prejudecata reprezinta o atitudine negativa fata de
fiecare individ membru al unui grup, care este motivata doar de
apartenenta acestuia la grup.

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