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Emily Barbour

Cheryl Wood
ISTC 301
February 12, 2015
Prensky Response
In Prenskys article, he discusses the way he believes teachers should instruct children as
they venture into the world of technology. The foundation of our education system is constantly
undergoing changes. In this era, technology is becoming a core focus in our schools and among
our children. One main goal of schools today is finding ways to incorporate technology and an
instructional and educational recourse to students, rather than resorting to technology as simply a
fun pastime or activity.
Prensky supports individual learning, in which children fundamentally teach themselves
regarding technological activities, while teachers remain as a guiding force from the sidelines.
The official terminology of this phenomenon is student-centered learning. Prensky states that
the role of technology in the classroom is solely to support and encourage the students to teach
themselves with their teachers guidance (Prensky). The tools for students to easily teach
themselves have never been very easily accessible until updated and interactive technology came
into the picture. New versions of technology offer a wide variety of tools that tailor specifically
to each individual students needs. In order to properly work with technology, instructors need to
slightly alter the way they teach. Many teachers also resist the encouragement to learn to use
technology in their classrooms because they are stuck in their traditional methods, which is
completely understandable.

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