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Kim Shibley

ISTC 301
Prensky Response
Frebruary 12, 2015
I believe that Prensky makes some good points in his argument about technology,
although I do not agree with everything he says. The part I am most in tune with is his idea of
discovery learning. I think that lecture is great, but it does not answer every need. As Prensky
said, many students may put their heads down when it is time to learn. Learning should never be
a one way conversation, but it is often viewed this way. The teacher is trying to impart
knowledge. I think that if students can own their work, then their interest might be sparked. They
might dig a little deeper than what is required. If technology is a key to opening this up, then it
should be explored.
I know that putting technology into the hands of students with the hopes that they will use
it to only learn is not a completely viable solution, but I think that it is a step in the right
direction. If Ipads or tablets can allow students to quickly access information or store it away for
later referral, then it could solve many problems. Also, to have students be actively involved in
learning through technology should be a plus. The problem comes when a teacher tries to
regulate the actual use of the technology. Technology in the classroom can be a large distraction.
It might even distract the students more than it would tie them into the learning process. I do
believe though that certain regulations can be put into place to make this happen.
One of the things that I did not agree with completely is when Prensky says that teachers
should resist learning new technology. He says that the focus should be on the student using
technology. I agree with this concept somewhat, but I do not think that this gives the teacher the

right to opt out of learning. If the student is being encouraged to use a certain form of technology
for learning purposes in a classroom, then the teacher should be fully aware of how that
technology works. It should be the teachers job to oversee that technology is being used
correctly. How can a teacher effectively teach via technology if he or she is not fully up to date
on how that technology can be applied to the classroom? I think this is also important to

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