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The Falsity & Egregious Hypocrisy of

Christian Zionists
By Charles E. Carlson, We Hold These Truths
January 27, 2008

The Falsity & Egregious Hypocrisy of Christian Zionists (Jan. 27, 2008)

Original title: 'Dealing With Christian Zionists In Our Own Churches'

A long time friend named John wrote in frustration about a reply he received from his pastor
in response to his letter about the church's lack of concern for the ongoing slaughter in Iraq.
John sought an answer to two scriptural references, and to his frustration the pastor's reply
was entirely secular. This big church pastor ignored the questions involving Jesus and the
Apostle Paul's words. Instead, John was told how evil Saddam Hussein was; that Islam
must be stopped, and that the State of Israel is an example of why all wars are not evil. (1)
[emphases, highlight et underline/bold r mine – Joe Jussac]

Secular and even bloodthirsty replies from religious leaders are not the exception. They
usually ignore scripture, especially the New Testament. As an extreme example, John
Hagee has held 'Night To Honor Israel' programs where Jesus' name has never been
mentioned. War-favoring, war-excusing, and war-enabling church leaders avoid New
Testament scripture because in it there is no justification for killing anyone. Your friends and
family who are under Judeo-Christian influence do not realize this until they are shown,
which is our self-appointed job.

We are often asked how one can pick a church to attend that is not Judeo-Christian. To this
we offer our own experiences. Our Christian Zionism Blog is our next step in lending a hand
to those who want to listen and participate. We hope readers will post letters, questions and
experiences of their own, and the names of churches they like. We will post letters we
receive, and if we do not have the writer's permission we will keep them anonymous, as we
have done with John's letter.

We Hold These Truths and Project Strait Gate can share what we have learned from
uncounted conversations at vigils in front of about 50 of the biggest Judeo-Christian churches
in America. We have come to view those who have strong feelings about their faith and who
profess to be Christians in two general camps, Judeo-Christians and Christ followers, the first
being a large camp and the latter a very small one, which we call the Strait Gate.(2)*

It should be obvious that many do not fit in either of the above camps, are either ambivalent
or confused, but for reasons of their own they go to church. Some who read this will say they
have, at times, been in all three camps.

Christ followers, by our label, generally believe that Jesus is the fulfillment of biblical
prophesies, mostly fulfilled in the first century AD when Jesus came, taught, set up his earthy
discipleship, was crucified under the will of the Pharisees, and arose from the dead. They
think Jesus told His followers about His heavenly kingdom so they would seek it, a state of
spiritual reward; but not without a judgment that would be visited upon each when we exit
physical life.

By contrast, Judeo-Christians may believe all or part of what Christ followers believe, but
they have an added layer superimposed over the top, like frosting on a cake, that holds to the
notion that the physical, political State of Israel is the fulfillment of God's Old Testament
prophesies. In order to make room for Israel as sort of an extra deity, most Judeo-Christians
accept the explanation that Jesus left unfinished worldly business behind that will require
His return to manage an earthly kingdom for 1000 years.

It is not your writer's place to decide if Jesus will return to earth again, as there is some
Biblical evidence both ways and Jesus did not firmly say. I do not see how this question
mattered to Paul or the Apostles because they all died 1,950 years ago without seeing this
rapture and millennium kingdom, yet surely they have met Christ and been judged. The same
is true of about 100 generations of good and bad people that have come and gone since Paul
and the disciples were on earth. It did not matter to them that they died without seeing
Armageddon and 'the rapture,' so why should it matter to me? I would like to think He never

Certainly the odds are also against this writer witnessing the "rapture." However as a
consolation, D. James Kennedy and Jerry Falwell both missed it too. But Jesus promised that
either we are faithful and will receive Christ's promise, or we are faithless and will be
shunned by Jesus in His Kingdom. Either way, rapture or a millennial reign is not likely to be
important to me, and I find no reason I have to know or debate the issue. This is the position
WHTT Christian Zionism Blog will take until someone convinces us otherwise.

Unfortunately most pastors, even those in traditional churches, have been influenced by the
opulent worldly success of the Judeo-Christian churches. Many cannot identify with a poor
and humble Jesus and penniless apostles, and have compromised. I visited a church on
Sunday that may be a case in point, a part of the Evangelical Covenant church where I once
was a member.

Covenant churches are rightly considered "mainline Protestant," with a home in Chicago, IL,
the Evangelical Covenant Church tends to be traditional, and describes itself as such. But this
one taught, at least on this day, a mixture of Judeo-Christianity veneered onto following

Fred, as I will call the lead pastor, is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary, and calls
himself a 'Christ Follower.' I like that term, it's what we call ourselves, and Pastor Fred began
with a moving account of Isaiah 9 which I also liked. The story is poetic and it furnishes an
important chorus to George Frideric Handel's Messiah: 'And His name shall be called
Wonderful, Marvelous, the mighty God, the everlasti ng father, the prince of peace.'

This is the prophesy of Jesus' first coming to earth as the Messiah to the Gentiles (that's us).
Pastor Fred stressed that Jesus was the peacemaker in a time of terrible war and evil conflict,
and he went on to suggest to the audience that most of us have had enough wars. The
audience responded positively, Pastor Fred is clearly not promoting more war from the pulpit.
So far so good, right out of scripture... the traditional view of Jesus, who could be more
traditional than George Frideric Handel?

Pastor Fred almost had me won over, starting off on the right foot as he did, but then came a
disappointment. He made a simple statement, given as fact, that Jesus was indeed coming
again to set up the system of Justice and Peace promised in Isaiah 9, 'and the government
shall be upon his shoulders,' meaning he said, Jesus will be very much in charge! The pastor
did not say when he expects Jesus to come again, nor did he explain why He did not set up
his kingdom when he came the first time.

Until Judeo-Christianity came along in the 19th Century, Isaiah 9 was accepted by almost
everyone as a prophesy of Jesus' first coming two thousand years ago. It is a stretch to
consider it is talking about a future coming, ignoring that all who call themselves Christians
believe this is history. But Pastor Fred confused this in all our minds. He superimposed a thin,
but a very hard veneer of Judeo-Christianity over following Christ.

It is basic that we who call ourselves by Jesus' name are supposed to be following the living
Christ day-to-day on this earth, our testing ground. Jesus' kingdom is "not of this earth" as he
told Pilot, but is a spiritual one. Pastor Fred did not say where or when Jesus' next 'coming'
would take place, and he did not mention a 'rapture,' or a millennial kingdom' where Jesus
would rule, nor did he project when this event would take place, but he certainly asserted it
was coming in our future. Except for this one Judeo-Christian admission Pastor Fred appears
to be a traditional Christ follower. It is our job to seek a dialogue with those like him and talk
about the layer of Judeo-Christianity that is spoiling the whole cake .
What is the damage in believing Jesus will come back to earth for a 1000 year reign of
goodness and justice? First Jesus does not say this; it is implied by some aggressive
assumptions. If we expect another coming, it removes from us the need to do our part to
maintain His Kingdom on earth. This is exactly what He told us we must do in His book, the
New Testament. If indeed Jesus came, finished His work, and left as planned, then we had
best be very serious about doing our work and following His commands on earth if we are to
have our own personal "second coming.' Jesus told us to love our brother, even love our
enemy and hate and revile no one. If this is indeed His last word to us, until we face Him in
some distant year at the doorway of His kingdom, we must be diligent, constantly on guard
and never slacking from our work. If we are indeed followers and don't want anyone else to
do our task or carry our cross for us.

Judeo-Christianity is a great mega-church builder because it relieves us of the burden Christ

placed on us of following regardless of the cost of inconvenience. To all the Disciples that
meant death. Judeo-Christianity shifts the burden back to God. Judeo-Christians have only to
confess that they believe in Judeo-Christianity (not simply Jesus), an apostate concept. Are
we to give up the chance to walk in Jesus' footsteps for a lie?

If there are wars and slaughters, even natural disasters, do not be too concerned, these must
be God' ordained acts for his ordained reasons, or so goes the Judeo-Christians' logic. They
will invariably testify: 'You do not have to do a thing to be saved; Jesus did it all for you. You
have but to believe.' These are the implications of Pastor Fred's disappointing words.

The illogical conclusion of Judeo-Christianity is that we must tell lots of people about Jesus
and his impending next coming, and to stay out of the thankless grind of trying to make the
world we live in a better place to live. It is indeed fortunate that most Judeo-Christians are
good people who are not ambivalent, and who do a lot of work in spite of all the coordinated
efforts to teach them they need not do it.

Jesus never told us He planned to fail in His first try on earth, and that He would have
to try it a second time when conditions were more conducive to His Kingdom. But this is
what Judeo-Christians rely upon. The 'government' and all earthy matters are to be settled by
Jesus at his return, so following him becomes quite irrelevant. After all, if Jesus is coming
again, and 'the Government shall be upon his shoulders' why even vote? We have only to
believe, but in what? This is the result of the Judeo-Christian heresy and it is why our country
is at war all the time and has many other ills...everyone in politics knows that the Judeo-
Christians are the key to his or her political succ ess. We Hold These Truths believes this will
soon change.(5)

The great turning in the age of Judeo-Christianity

Leaders of a growing number of seminaries and universities are finally making themselves
heard, and are saying we need to be involved because the blood shed is on our hands as we
just sit and watch. Those who are demanding fair treatment for Palestinians are, by their acts,
telling us Jesus' Kingdom is here and His righteousness is ours to defend. We had best pay
attention to the killing being done in our name in Iraq, Palestine and everywhere else. This
sense of responsibility defines traditional Christ followers.

Among those college presidents who want to take a stand are Richard Mouw, President,
Fuller Theological Seminary, where Pastor Fred learned his theology, Glenn R. Palmberg,
President, Evangelical Covenant Church, the home of Pastor Fred's church, and David L.
Parkyn, President, North Park University, the Covenant Church's University in
Chicago, long a leader in exposing the Israelis' abuse of the Palestinians, plus thanks to its'
Dr. Donald Wagner, also a signer. Several professors at other schools signed the letter in the
November issue of Christianity Today's Magazine, which states in part: (4)

'Over 80 educators and ministry heads affirm efforts to negotiate lasting peace, and warn of
consequences of failure...The Bible clearly teaches that God longs for justice and peace for
all people. We believe that the principles about justice taught so powerfully by the Hebrew
prophets apply to all nations, including the United States, Israel, and the Palestinians.
Therefore we are compelled to work for a fair, negotiated solution for both Israelis and

These 80 are firmly distancing themselves from the popular Judeo-Christian (evangelical)
view that Israel is the fulfillment of Old Testament scripture. This is a sure sign of the coming
of great change now in the wind. One of our best allies is Dr. Mark Hanna, an anti-Zionist
dispensationalist, who believes Jesus is coming to earth again, but does not believe the State
of Israel fulfills Bible prophesies. He is the exception that proves the point.

Whatever one thinks his creed, preoccupation with the State of Israel is Christian-Zionism. A
Christ follower is one who does his faltering human best to follow Christ's teachings and
examples every day, regardless of what else one believes or reasons.(2)

We began this epistle with John's frustration over his pastor's letter. We have posted both
letters to our Christian Zionist Blogs, and we suggest that John again write a simplified letter,
too, with only scriptural questions, asking the Pastor to answer his questions... nothing else.
He should also insist on an answer to the key litmus test question, does his pastor think
"Political Israel is the fulfillment of Bible prophesy?" Then he should consider circulating
both letters.

In dealing with pastors and church leaders, it is we, the laymen critics, who must force
them to stay scriptural, even when they try to lead us into a secular story. We must not
allow them to drag us into secular arguments like those John's pastor raised. Only in this way
can we change them, and change our churches, and protect those we love from them.

(1) WHTT Christian Zionism Blogs ( )

(2) Project Strait Gate ( )

(3) Mark M. Hanna: An Analysis of Cufi and a Dispensational Critique of Christian Zionism

(4) Evangelical Leaders Reiterate Call for Two-State Solution

( )

(5) The Beginning of the End of Christian Zionism

( )

All information posted on this web site is the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only.
It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the
United States. Consult the healer of your choice for medical care and advice.

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above piece. Joe Jussac, Jr.


Anti-Islam/Muslims, FAKE Christians and the Zionists!

If u fall into this category, i.e., Anti Islam/Muslims/Allah/Prophet Muhammad (May Peace
et Allah’s Blessings be Upon him/pbuh); then R.I.P. Rest in PIECES!!!

Read my article far below (in the article, WHEN SATAN et al RULE etc,
SEARCH “R.I.P.” and/or azab kubr or torment in the grave. And, WEEP!

Yet another mind twister, piece. U decide, IF u still can THINK!

British Israel and The Nuclear Bomb

From BBC News
August 7, 2005

Original Title
Archives Show UK Helped Israel Get Nuclear Bomb
BBC News
Britain secretly sold Israel a key ingredient for its nuclear programme in 1958, according to
official documents obtained by BBC News.

"It is very surprising to me we were not told because we shared information about the nuclear
bomb very closely with the British."

--Former US defence secretary Robert McNamara

"They just seemed to be concerned with making a bit of money."

--Former Conservative defence and foreign office minister Lord Gilmour

"The Israeli project is much too live an issue for us to get mixed up in it again."

--Sir Hugh Stephenson

Papers in the British National Archives show a deal was done to export 20 tonnes of heavy
water for about £1.5m. This was vital for plutonium production at the top-secret Dimona
nuclear reactor in Israel's Negev desert. No "peaceful use only" condition was placed on its
use. Officials said imposing one would be "overzealous". Ministers in Harold Macmillan's
government were unaware of the deal. It was also kept secret from the US.

In one of the documents Foreign Office official Donald Cape concluded: "On the whole I
would prefer not to mention this to the Americans." Washington had refused to supply heavy
water to Israel without a guarantee it would only be used for peaceful means. US President
John F Kennedy's defence secretary from 1961, Robert McNamara, told BBC News he was
"astonished" by the cover-up. "It is very surprising to me we were not told because we shared
information about the nuclear bomb very closely with the British..The fact Israel was trying
to develop a nuclear bomb should not have come as any surprise. But that Britain should have
supplied it with heavy water was indeed a surprise to me."

The heavy water - surplus from a consignment bought from Norway in 1956 - was shipped
from a British port to Israel. Officials presented it as a deal between Norway and Israel.
Former Conservative defence and foreign office minister Lord Gilmour told BBC News the
revelations were "quite extraordinary".

The civil servants involved must have known Israel would use the heavy water to develop a
nuclear bomb, he added. "They just seemed to be concerned with making a bit of money."
By the time Israel asked the UK for more heavy water in 1961, the existence of the Dimona
reactor and a probable nuclear weapons programme had been exposed by the Daily Express
newspaper, leading the Foreign Office to block the sale, the papers show.

Sir Hugh Stephenson wrote: "I am quite sure we should not agree to this sale. "The Israeli
project is much too live an issue for us to get mixed up in it again." While Israel has not
publicly conducted a nuclear test and does not admit or deny having nuclear weapons, it has
not signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.

This means the International Atomic Energy Agency does not have the power to inspect
Israeli nuclear facilities. The Israelis say that will not change as long as they feel threatened
by countries in the Middle East.

Joe Jussac’s quick comment: NO THIEVES (of the LAND of the Palestinian Muslims
and God-fearing Christians), i.e. the ZIONISTS, would ever feel CONSTANT FEAR
or feel being threatened by THE VICTIMS’ whatever JUSTIFIED efforts to RECLAIM
the LAND!

You ZIONIST MORONS are doing what we in Indonesia said, “MALING TERIAK
MALING!” Freely translated, you screamed (for help), “There are robbers!,”
when, in fact, you are the ones (the sick Zionists) who r the REAL
Robbers/Thieves! (Xcuse moi for grammatical errors)

Here is one of those MORONS, an AMERICAN Army general the Zionists’ slave.

Wish I could bump into this MORONIC general in a battle, and would happily SHOOT his
EMPTY head! Hey MORON, I was, and am still a sharp shooter (I hope).

My readers might wonder if this chap Joe is angry. You bet I AM!

Marah yang halal (kosher), or a JUSTIFIED rage.

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