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Cobalt is a reagent widely used in mining, particularly in the electrowinning stage, the

function is decrease of the anodic over-potential and is also responsible for decreased
corrosion of lead anodes.
In the above-mentioned step to control purging of electrolyte impurities, in which a variety
of reagents is lost between these cobalt,
which has a price of approximately $ 300 per kilo
To recover metals in solution are a variety of methods, including the most prominent and
used is solvent extraction, unfortunately the requirement for the use of solvent extraction is
a higher concentration of the metal of interest,
which in this case feasible because the concentration of cobalt in solution is very low, this
because the purge is diluted solutions, which is why the use of alginate beads is
proposed, these biopolymer derived from algae,
which They have proven very effective in recovering metals because they generate an
exchange between the metal and the carboxyl and hydroxyl groups present in these areas.
Based on the above study of the variables affecting the recovery of this metal, such as pH
and agitation prior to this is to conduct a theoretical study of the characteristics of alginate
and cobalt, as well as experimental work to be done.
The above information is intended to determine the effect of different variables on the
recovery of cobalt alginate beads.

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