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trees, are the god which fuels Us till our end.

We humans research everything be

yond galaxy but never gets the importance of the trees which is solely living it
s life for us every second. But man cuts the tree and grease up for his own deco
rated homes and many things. Can go easy up for these sixth sence carnivoros? St
ill, Humanity is in many good souls around globe. We gear up, We are one,We true
ly care, We stood up to save our mother nature & going to plant 100 plants for
every single tree destroyed.Tress not only fuels us, it also has direct impact o
n carbon reduction,Restoring green life, Saves wildlife & future,Give us pure wa
ter& air,Regulate global weather, Flowers and much more which makes the world, a
beautiful garden. Apart from regreat of what we had done! still every creature
on earth can do their part to save whats left around us.Plant a root for tomorro
w, race up to destroy the tide of deforestation. We never Stop! We are the chang
e! Give us a hand.

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