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I feel as though there was no "good guy" in the tale.

Everyone involved was in it for their own

benefit. There were only people doing bad things in this tale, and I believe that justice was
served to all of the charectors in the tale, as it says "And thats how the carpenters wife got
poked, despite his vigilandce and jealousy; thats how absolon kissed her bottom eye, and how
nicholas got a blistered bum." (Oxford 99) These characters all deserved this outcome,
because they all preforemed sins they knew that they should not be doing. The Carpenter was
very possessive of his wife, which caused her to fool around. Nicholas adultered when his
consience told him not to, which caused him to get lashed with hot iron. And Absolon tried to
commit adultery, which caused him to kiss Allisons anus.

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