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Block 4

Camila Aponte

The Shoe is an important artifact because it has a ripple effect that took the boys on a life
altering journey. When the boys are left in the Manti-la Sal National Forest to survive in the
wilderness, Riddle is left in charge of caring for his older brother who is badly injured. It is by
chance that he finds the kayak after his shoe falls into the river. Riddle chases after his shoe, and
when he finally gets it back something unnaturally red catches his eye. It was an abandoned
red, tandem kayak, and inside was a first aid kit. The kit contained Band-Aids, a small pair of
scissors, aspirin, lip balm a bar or antibacterial soap, salt pills, a small roll of duct tape, a
pamphlet on emergency aid, and best of all, a snickers bar. To the boys, this was a blessing.
They used the supplies to their max potential, but Riddle held on to the snickers wrapper. Little
did he know that the smell from the wrapper would attract a bear. The bear smelled the
chocolate and had a confrontation with Sam and Riddle. Luckily for them, the bear only gave
them a warning, and from that point on the boys decided that they needed to move.
This is what led the boys to make the decision that they needed to get in the kayak and try
to float their way down the river to safety. Unfortunately, if they would have stayed a couple
hours, they would have been found sitting by their fire waiting to be rescued. In chapter one it
said that If Riddles shoe hadnt come off, if the Kayak hadnt been discovered in the rushes,
and if the bear hadnt smelled the candy wrappers, they would have been sitting by their fire
waiting to be found. Instead they were speeding down the icy river to their death. On this river
journey, the boys fall and become separated, while almost being killed in the process by the fury
of nature. While in this kayak the boys went over a waterfall and were lead in different paths
that lead them to realize how much they missed the Bell Family and each other. This showed

Ms. Rager

Block 4

Camila Aponte

them that they could no longer live the way Clarence had them living before, and they were able
to easily get over Clarence. It can be hard to believe, but all this happened because of a shoe.

Ms. Rager

Block 4

Camila Aponte

The inhaler in this story is an artifact that is more important to the character Riddle than
the actual story. His entire life Riddle had spent wheezing, because he had a hard time breathing.
Having a dad who saw any sort of law, order, or good as a despicable thing, he didnt take his
sons for their regular checkups. Everyone thought that Riddle didnt talk much simply because it
wasnt in his nature. Throughout the book when Riddle thinks and talks, the book shows it in
italics. This shows that he is a boy who has just gotten used to keeping any thoughts to him.
That was of course until he met the Bell family.
Being a nurse, Debbie bell noticed his signs of asthma and provided him with two
inhalers. From this moment on Riddle was able to talk. He was no longer gasping for air as he
had his entire life. There comes a point in the story where it says Sam watched his brother and
wondered if it were possible that Riddle had never spoken very much because it was literally a
strain. We as readers know that is actually true because Riddle is now free to express his mind.
With his inhaler he was able to share his ideas and thoughts freely. This inhaler is very important
to Riddle, for he makes sure to keep his extra inhaler hidden in a tree, and he is devastated when
it gets left behind at the motel.

Ms. Rager

Block 4

Camila Aponte

The dress is an artifact that is symbolic to the character Emily. Emily was devastated
when she found out that Sam and Riddle had gone missing. Trying to continue on with her daily
life is tough, but she tries to pretend she is okay by going to prom. She doesnt want to put too
much effort into it so she goes to a flea market at the county fairgrounds. She believes that
everything there has a story, and that most of the things were odd or damaged or somehow
misfits, which is now how she felt.
Emily finds a dress that was more that seventy years old and was made of black ribbons.
The ribbons were sewed in a way that made them all look like a type of ribbon fabric. What was
interesting is that Emily bought it without even trying it on, yet it fit her perfectly. To her, she
interpreted the ribbons in an important way. She felt that whoever had made the dress spent
hours sewing the ribbons into place. Emily thought that whoever had made it had done it as a
sort of release, trying to block out a part of the world that didnt make sense.
When her mom sees her in the dress, she tells Emily that she looks beautiful and that its
a perfect match. This makes Emily turn to her mother and say If its a perfect match, it wont
last. Something will destroy it. When she says this, she is referring to her relationship with
Sam. It had been so perfect, so right, so meant to be, yet it was all taken away.

Ms. Rager

Block 4

Camila Aponte

1877 Indian Head Penny:

The penny is a small artifact that has a big effect on the two of the main characters later
in the story. It all begins when the boys are young and Clarence, their father, tries to sell his
wifes penny collection that he stole at the Medford Coin. The owner of the store, Hiro
Yamanda, takes an immediate dislike to Clarence. He can tell that the coins dont belong to him,
despite his story that they were left by his late wife. He offers Clarence, just enough so that
Clarence is satisfied, but doesnt know its true value. The coin was in excellent condition and
Hiro knew that it would be worth a lot of money. Although Hiro knew that one day he would
return the coin to the rightful owner it wasnt for the reward. Instead because the real reward
was knowing that some kind of larger order had been restored.
It wasnt until 10 years later when Hiro learned of Clarences arrest that he contacted law
enforcement. He auctioned the coin and received $48,202 dollars for it, which he gave all to
Sam and Riddle. This influences both the Riddle boys and Hiro in a big ways. When news of
his kind act was spread, the reputation of Medford Coins soared to new heights, and Hiro became
a nation expert on Indian Head pennies. Sam and Riddle were able to get an apartment and stay
together. It is incredible to think how such a tiny thing could have such value. As said in the
story, Not bad for a penny.

Ms. Rager

Block 4

Camila Aponte

The guitar is an artifact that has strong personal meaning, as well as symbolic meaning.
Sam had first gotten his guitar from a blind man at the age of eight. From then on Sam carried it
with him and taught himself to play. Although he would never admit it directly, he was an
amazing player. It was thanks to his musical talent that he was welcomed by Emily Bells
At first, Emilys parents were hesitant of him and said he was not responsible. As soon as
he played, they immediately opened their hearts and mind to him. When things start to fall apart
in the story, Sams father, Clarence, smashes Sams guitar, and for Sam and the readers, this can
be seen as a sign of hopelessness and anger. Sam no longer had his mental escape and this
caused him to have a great anger against Clarence.
When Sam is lost without memory in Las Vegas, it is playing a guitar that brings all his
memories back. The story said The music, a language of its own, was bringing things into
focus for Sam. It if hadnt been for his guitar that sparked his love in music, he would have
never met Emily, and he would have probably still been traveling around the country with his
crazy father. The last chapter shows the guitars final contribution towards Sams life when
Emilys dad tries to get Sam a scholarship into the music program.

Ms. Rager

Block 4

Camila Aponte

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