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Final Examination of Literature


By Irfan Afandi, NIM. 20401106161, PBI 9


By: Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

There is no frigate like a book

To take us land away
Nor any course like a page
Of prancing poetry
This traverse may not poorest take
Without oppress of toll
How frugal is the chariot
That bears the human soul

The analyzing result:

1) Unfamiliar words’ list:
- Frigate, meaning: Kapal
- Prancing, meaning: Berjingkrak-jingkrak
- Traverse, meaning: Melintasi
- Oppress, meaning: Menindas
- Frugal, meaning: Hemat
- Chariot, meaning: Kereta Pertempuran
- Toll, meaning: Korban
2) Connotations’ list:
- Frigate
- Land
- Oppress of toll
3) Images’ list:
- Frigate like a book
- To take us land away
- Any course like a page
4) a. Symbols’ list:
- Frigate
- Land away
b. Symbol meaning:
- Frigate: large of knowledge
- Land away: with reading book, bring us anywhere around the globe.
5) figures of speech:
- There is no frigate like a book
- Nor any courses like a page
6) Alliterations’ list:
- To take
- Prancing poetry
- This traverse
7) The Rhyme pattern is not regular.
8) The Rhythm is regular.
9) That poem serves us to keep and read book as many as possible.
10) Poem translation:

Buku Lebih dari Sebuah Kapal

Buku lebih dari sebuah kapal

Yang dapat membawa kita ke manapun
Juga bukan sebuah pembelajaran
Puisi yang sangat rumit
Inilah jalan yang sederhana
Tanpa beban
Betapa mudahnya perjalanan ini
Yang hanya melibatkan jiwa seorang manusia.

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