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Introduccién / Introduction Kenneth Frampton David Chipperfield GG Catalogos de Arqutectura Contemporénea Current Architecture Catalogues ‘A cargo delEdltor ofthe series Xavier Goel Traduecion: Santiago Castén Eltexto, a excepcin de la introduccién, es de David Chipperfield ‘Tho text, with exception of th introduction, is by David Chippertield [Ninguna parte de esta publicacién incluido el diseho dela cubierta, puede Teproducirse, almacanaree 0 transmitrse de ninguna forma, ni por ningun ‘ado, oa ésteeéctrico, quimico, mecanico, pico, de grabacién 0 de fotoco- ‘a, sin la previa autoriacion escita por pate de la Editorial, Allnghts reserved. No part ofthis work covered by the copyright hereon may be ‘reproduced or usedin any form or by any means ~graphic, electronic, ormecha- heal Including photocapying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems without written permission ofthe publisher. © Ezitorial Gustavo Gil S.A., Barcelona, 1992 Printed in Spain ISBN: 84-252-1555-2 Deposite legal: B. 36.056-1992 Impresién: Grafos, S.A. - Barcelona

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