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Mika Harrison

Foundations P.2
24 April 2015

The DAVINCI Digital Portfolio is an opportunity for students in the DAVINCI SLC to
demonstrate work that we have done and projects we are most proud of. This portfolio can also
be used to preserve any material we might need to show proof of in the future. The portfolios we
created were digital and can be displayed online. These digital portfolios provide us the
opportunity to work with 21st century skills because it allows students to connect with each
o=other maybe about school work that is similar in their own classes. If a digital portfolio is
uploaded to the internet anyone in the world is able to see it. This could be another resource for
other high school students by allowing them to see another persons work and maybe gain new
perspectives or ideas for their own work.
My DAVINCI Digital Portfolio showcases some of the work I have created in the first
and second semester of my freshman year at Durango High School. This has also displayed
projects and some band performances throughout the year. Since I am in the DAVINCI SLC I am
supposed to connect every one of my assignments to the DAVINCI pillars. The main aspect I
used in my portfolio is creativity. Here in DAVINCI I have learned to expand my thinking and
learn to apply creativity to my learning. You can see this in my portfolio, as each of my projects
are displayed (Projects are displayed in chronological order) you can see starting from the
beginning of the year each project becomes more interesting or more creative.
In the beginning of the year myself as a learner was very general and basic. My thinking
was limited to ideas that were more upfront. As I was creating this portfolio I discovered that my

learning had changed throughout being in DAVINCI. My ideas were more complicated and I
reflected more on my work to make it better. This is the DAVINCI way of learning and this
portfolio allowed me to reflect on my work and change any ideas that could be refined. I found
this digital portfolio to be very helpful in my learning.

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