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1. How will the education system change by 2050?

The development of the academy or education will be increasingly linked to technology,

because as time passes new ways to evolve in the professional field will appreciate, with
the Internet an important tool in disseminating information and access to the various
programs and measures that can help the performance of new professionals. It is
extremely important convergence of educators to manage the media in order to improve
training conditions.
2. What will make a smart grid in Human Beings by 2050?
The rapid advancement of technology as MIT researcher Bill Mitchell cities become a
kind of futurist science fiction so something like changing our way of life, since
according to Director Charles Ebinger the energy security initiative will have a
connection type of intelligent network systems that help us to communicate with each
3. How will be in future mass media?
The current form of communication of the different events in the future will become a
thing of the past because the internet cattle fields seize the different communication
systems television, period etc. Thanks to the accessibility of the internet we can all
understand and observe the different changes in this way.
4. Global warming Will Have any Importance to have a better life in future? Why?
Population growth affected so significantly the consumption of all natural resources is
thought that there will be 9 million people in increasing different environmental
problems of the world we know so far, is movement of people to urban areas greatly it
affects both development and increased environmental pollution, according to studies
by environmentalists as it is Bill McKibben's time to start making big changes for the
future not growing, burning and various natural effects that affect the environment
there. But information technology can give some optimism to our planet, says the
oceanographer Sylvia Earle, who believes that services like Google Earth have the
potential to turn people every day in the ocean conservationists.
5. What will people know more about health?
About the life and longevity of people there are different theories which predict that
humans increase their lifetime due to technological developments and potential
applications and science studies, also the development of new diseases or
immunoresistant different viruses because continuous development in people

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