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Commercial Law

Popa Alexandra Claudia

BA, anul II, sem I

Government Emergency Ordinance no.

50/2010 on credit agreements for consumers
GEO no. 50/2010 regulates the rights and obligations

of consumers and creditors to the promotion,

conclusion and performance of various credit
agreements and transposes into national legislation.
This emergency ordinance regulates the rights and

obligations of the parties with respect to consumer

credit contracts.

Chapter IV - Information on credit agreements and
Section 1 - Common provisions
Article 36

For the loan, the lender will be charged with:

commission of analysis document of credit , administration
commission of credit or administration commission from
current account , compensation for early repayment,
insurance costs, if applicable, penalties, and a single
commission for services provided to consumer demand.

Article 86
(2) Violation of Articles from 35 to 44
represents a contravention and is sanctioned
with a fine from 20,000 to 100,000 lei.

Study case
From the date of occurrence of GEO 50/2010, Mr. Jones had a

credit at a bank . Each month he is charged with : credit rate,

interest, credit administration commission and commission credit
Mr. Jones notifies the bank in writing , that they are not allowed

to perceive any risk commission , but they continue to charge him

, taking from his account at the end of the first month , the rate
and the risk commission .
Mr. Jones made a complaint to Consumer Protection and the bank

was fined with 30,000 lei under Article 86 paragraph 2.

Which article from GEO no. 50/ 2010
mentions the fine from 20.000 lei up to
100.000 lei ?

Thank you for your

attention !!

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