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Vucut kimyanaz dengeleyin Viicudunuzdaki asit ve alkali miktarinin saghk agisindan bityiik énem tasidigins, asitli yagamin bircok hastaliga neden olmasinin yam sira kilo vermeyi de engelledigini sdylesek ne hissedersiniz? ‘Alkali Diyet’, viicuttaki asit ve alkali miktarim nasil dengeleyebilecegimizi dgretiyor... Balance your body's chemistry How would you feel if we told you that the amount of acid and alkaline in your body is vital to your health, and that an ‘acidic’ life causes many diseases and prevents weight loss? The ‘Alkaline Diet’ teaches us how to balance the amount of acid and alkaline in the body... YAZI/ BY: YAPRAK CETINKAYA Nese SAGLIK / HEALTH Ikali Diyet kitabinin yazan. Dr. Aysegil Goruhlu, saglikli beslenme konusunda cok nemli ipuclan veriyor. Alkali diyet aslinda bugiine kadar acikla- nan sagluklt beslenme kurallarindan bambaska bir sey soy- lemiyor. Yine sebze meyve tiketmeye, yine basit karbon- hiidratlardan uzak durmaya, akgam yemegini abartmamaya ‘yurgu yapryor. Ancak bunu yaparken kalorilere, yaga, vita- ‘mine, proteine degiligin temeline, yani vicudun iyilik ha- lini belicleyen asit-alkali dengesine odaklaniyor. Tip e& minin ardindan biyokimya uzmanligam da tamamlayan Dr. ‘Gorublu, insan viicudunun milyarlarca hicreden olageugu- nu ve her hiierenin saglugunun, insan sagligaigin Gem tas ‘agin belirterek, “Hiicrenin saghikh olabilmesiigin gerekli birtakim sartlar var, Bunlardan en énemlisi pH dengesi olan, alkali bir ortam olmasl. PH degeri, bir swvnanigindeki asit ve baz dengesini gésteriyor. Herkes idrarin, terin asit ‘oldugunu biliyor. Iste bunun karst: da alkali oluyor. Vicut- tan asi aildikea yerine alkaliyi koymak gerekiyor” dior. Once bilgileri giincelleyelim ‘Alkali beslenmeye gegmek igin hayatintzda gok bik iklikler yapmanuz gerekmiyor, sadece bugtine kadar séylenen saglikl: beslenme kurallarim. hatirlamaniz ve toc tat taal of ach ol ot mpatance hana be neaR ERE! vga t hse inno We need to update our knowledge You do not need to make any major changes to your ife to swap over to an alkaline diet: you just need to remember the rules of healthy eating that have been >> SIRKE, LIMON VE SEBZELERIN BIR KISMI ‘GOK ALKALI’ BESINLERDIR Sea salt, lemon and some vegetables are alkaline-high foods Dec eee SAGLIK / HEALTH biraz giincellemeniz yeterli. Dr. Goruhlu suntan séyliyor: “Sebze yemenin iyi oldugunu herkes biliyor ama gig ye~ nildiginde daha fazla alkali iceriyor. Su igmenin iyi old gunu herkes s6yliyor ama suyu alkali hale getirip igmek daha cokige yanyor. Ya da bir bardak kahveye elinizi uza- turken onun viicudunuzdaki suyu alacagint hatirliyor ve yanina alkali suyu eklemeyi Sgreniyorsunuz. ‘Ads ‘Alkali Diyer’olsa da bu yaklagim aslinda énce saghga vurgu yapryor. Bu kitabin amacinin birgok ddaganukbilgiyi, hepsinin temelinde yer alan viicu- ddun kimyast basli altinda toplamak oldugunu belirten Dr. Goruhlu, sunlan sdyliyor: “Bir hiicrenin iki talebi bulunuyor: “Benim ihviyaglarim ver ve artiklarim at... Bizoaruk- {J Jan iyi atamaytp ihtiyact olandan baska besin verince hastalamyoruz. Tok olmamiz hiicrenin de tok oldugu, istedigini aldygi anlamina gelmi- yor. Viicutigin iyi enerji kaynags olmayan gidalar tiiketildiginde bunlanin yanina dengeyi saglayacak t it with alkaline water recommended until now and update them a little. Dr Coruhlu says: Everybody knows that eating vegetabl ‘000d, but when eaten raw, they are more alkaline Everyone says that it is good to drink water, but turning reach out your at it will water alkaline works better. Or when yo you remember d for a cup of cof learn toac an “Alkaline Diet’ t approach focuses primarily on health. TI is book, indicates Dr. Goruhlu, is information under the hemistry, which lies it Is cal ther many bits f the body’ core, and says: 'A cell demands t needs and throw away 5 my leftovers’ When we fall to get rid of those leftovers properly and provide the cell with nutrition it does not require, we become ill. The fact that we are full does not necessarily >> PH DERECESi 5 OLAN SIVI, 6 OLANA GORE 10 KAT DAHA ASITLIDIR A liquid with a pH5 is 10 times more acidic than a liquid with a pH6 a SAGLIK / HEALTH gadalar da eklenerek asit-alkali dengesini kurmak gere- Kkiyor. idrann kokmast, ter kokusunun artmasi, bagor- saklanin iyi galismamast viicutta asidin yiiksek oldugunu gésteriyor. Sindirim sisteminden gikan ile agizdan giren dengeye orurdugunda ise iyilik hali olusuyor” f \ Sebzelerin giicii ‘Uzun yillar asitli yagamanin kalin be, tiroit hastalg, ‘egzama, romatizmal agn, uyku sorunu, insilin direnci gibi belitileri bulunuyor. Hatta sag dékiilmesini bile hiic- re bazinda degertendirip asit-alkali dengesinin olmama- NEDIR BU ALKALI? sina baglamak miimkiin, Dr. Aysegiil Coruhlu, alkali beslenmenin giictind su ctimlelerle anlatiyor: “Her gin kebap yiyen birinin damarlaninda problem olabilir, kolesterolit yilkselebi- li. Ancak bir bagka kisi aynt miktar kebabin yaninda ig salatayr da yiyorsa onda saglik sorunlan daha ge¢ ortaya gikar; glinkii birinin asidini digerinin alkalisi, birinin serbest radikalini digerinin antioksidan: diizel- tiyor. Ornegin bugiinden itibaren her giin sevdiginiz sebzelerden olusan bir bardak sebze suyu igseniz bagka mean that the cell is full and has got the nutrition it needed, When we consume foods that are not a good source of energy for the body, we need to balance this out by adding foods that will maintain the acid-alkali balance. Strong-smelling urine, an increase in body odour and slow digestion are a sign of high acidity in the body. Once you have struck a balance between what comes aut of the digestive system and what goes Into the mouth, the body reaches a state of well-being What is alkaline? Power of vegetables Years of acidity in the body can result in symptoms lke a thick waist, thyroid disease, eczema, rheumatic pain sleep disorders and insulin resistance. Even har loss can be evaluated at cell level and linked to an acidalaline imbalance Dr. Ayseaill Coruhlu explains the power of an alkaline diet as follows: ‘Someone who eats a kebab every day may experiens lar problems and elevated cholesterol levels, but another person who accompanies the same number of kebabs with raw salad will delay his health problems until ‘much later on because the alkalinity and antioxidants of cone cancel out the acidity and free-radicals of the other, Forinstance, without changing anything else, you would >> SAGLIK / HEALTH higbir seyi degistirmeden bile bugiinkiinden daha iyi hale gelebilirsiniz.” Neden kilo veremiyoruz? Assit yiikit fazla oldugunda ne kadar diyet yapihrsa yapilsin biinye yag dokusunu tamamen kaybetmeyi en- gelliyor ve bunu viicudunu korumak igin yapryor. Yag fazlahga asidi zararsiz hale getitiyor. Dr. Goruhlu aksi takdirde asitlerin tap: eriten tuzruhu gibi damarlart ve organlan eritecegini séyliyor. Yag yakmak da ayrica asitlenmeye neden oldugu igin viicut yaglani depoda tut- ‘may1 tercih ediyor. Diyet yaparak ya da egzersiz ile kay- bedilen yaglar asitlenme sebebiyle kolayca geri alimyor. ‘Tabagumuz yiizde 80 alkali, yazde 20 asit yiyeceklerden olugtugunda, asitli besin tiketilen dginlerde bu mikta- nin dort kati alkali tiketildiginde artik kalori ve gram hesaplarina, protein diyetlerine, diigik yagh beslenmeye odaklanmaya gerek kalmiyor. KAGAMAK YAPTIGINIZDA Gi SEBZE YEMELI YADA SUYUNU igMELIiNIZ When you have junk food, eat raw vegetables or vegetable juice with it Don't forget! improve your body's well-being just by drinking a a juice of your favourite vegetables every day. Why can't we lose weight? Nomatter how much we diet, the body prevents fa issue from aisappearing completely when tne body's acid loads too high and does this to protect itself. Excess fat cenders acid harmless, Dr. Goruhlustates that otherwise acids would dissolve blood vessels and organs as hydrochloric acid dissolves stone. Since burning ft also causes acidification, the body prefers to store fat. Fat lost by dieting or through exercise is easly gsined back due to acidification, We n longer need to focus on counting calories and grams, o protein and low-fat diets, once our plate starts to consist af food that contains 80 percent alkaline and 20 percent acid and we take care to consume four times more alkaline than acid when we eat acaic dishes. > on SAGLIK / HEALTH Ccevieve find, Snerilen atigurmabklarin baginda geliyor. Tab abartmamak gartiyla. Walnuts and hazelnuts area the top ofthe suggestions ist {forsnacls, but make sure you consume moderate amounts. ORNEK BESLENME PLANI SAMPLE NUTRITION PLAN (Bu secenekler arasindan doyana kadar yiyebilirsiniz) (You can eat these i you feel ful KAHVALTI BREAKFAST + Lor peyni + Salatalik ve diger yesillikler ah tuzsu zeytin #4 yumurta beyam ve 1 san ile omlet Az miktar tereyaga + Keci, koyun peynititireri * Bir avokado (limonlu) + iki dilim glicensiz ekmek + Az miktarda diziim pekmezi ve tahin * esi gay ve bitki caylant + Badem stiitya da bir avug gig badem + Haftada 1 giin ceviz ve findik ARAOGON + Kahvaltidan 2 saat sonra 1 adet kafeinsiz, sekersiz kahve + Wzerine 1 bardak alkali su Cn ae ALKALI SU igMEK, BOBREKLERIN iSLERINi DE KOLAYLASTIRIVOR Drinking alkaline water also makes it easier for the kidneys to do their job 1 cup caffeine-free, sugar-fre Naso SAGLIK / HEALTH OLE + Her til gig sebze + Haslama, buharda pismis tim sebzeler + Zeytinyagh sebzeler «Baklagiller + Baliklar ‘*Tagara tavuk/hindi ti + Kabukdu piring pilav ‘+ Kabuklaniyla haslanmis patates + Glitensiz undan makarna, pizza «2 dilim gliitensiz ckmek ARA + Ole yemeginden 1 saat sonra 2 bardak yesil cay + Ogle yemeginden 2 saat sonra 1 rath easy tarcin eklerimis 1 bardak alkali su + Kiigiik kagamaklar: 1 porsiyon tac, 2 meyve yada 2 parca koyu cikolata AKSAM + Ogle yemeginden en az 4 saat sonra, en ideal 18.00'de, en gee 20.00'de + Heer tir sebze (san-Karmuzs olanlar harig) + Tngara ya da haslanmis baliklar ‘Hindi eti,eavuk eri, dana veya kuzu eti, dana cigeri, klle paca, pastrma + Proteinin dre kat kadar salata + Salata az kalirsa sebze suyu GECE BOYUNCA * Birki caylan imonlu salatalk Cok actkarsaniz haslanmus brokoli veya karnabahar + Bir kau yumurta + Yatmadan dnce bir bardak alkali su Pegasus 62 LUNCH + All types raw vegetables + All types boiled or steamed vegetables + Vegetable dishes made with olive oll * Pulses icken/turkey meat + Whole rice + Boiled potatoes, skins on + Gluten-free pasta and pizza + 2sslices gluter-tree bread SNACK * Thour after lunch, 2 cups green tea *2 hours after lunch, 1 cup alkaline water with 1 tsp + Small snack: 1 serving dessert, 2 pieces fruit or 2 squares dark chocolate DINNER “At least 4 hours after lunch, ideally at 6 pm, or at 8 pm atthe latest + Allkinds of vegetables (except yellow or red) + Griled oF boiled fish Turkey, chicken, beet or lamb, calf's liver, heads or trotters + Attimes as much salad as the protein consumed + If salad not enough, vegetable juice NIGHT LONG + Herbal tea * Cucumber with lemon juice + Ifyou get very hungry, steamed broccoll or cauliflower + Tharé-bolled e9g + Before going to bed, 1 glass alkaline water > lyi besten, iyi hisset Birbardak su igmenin gok iy bir sey oldugunu hepimiz biliyoruz ancak pH'im arttirdikea o suyun viicutta daha fazla temialik yaptigim dgrenmemiz gerekiyor. Suyun igine limon, elma sirkesi ya da karbonat koyunca pH’ aruyor. Bunlann élgistinii abartmamak, kiigik miktar- lar kullanmak gerekiyor. Dr. Aygegill Goruhlu, “Tam di- yetlerde kilo vermeyi saglayan yag yakimu sonrast olugan asitleri atabilmek igin su igilmesi tavsiye ediliyor. Gay, meyve suyu gibi svilar suyun yerine geemiyor, aksine vi- cudu daha fazla asitlendiriyor. Alkali su igmek ise hem yaglarin yakumaigin gerekli alkali ortam sagiryor hem de babreklerin igini kolaylagtiriyor. Onemli olan gok fazla su igmek deil,20 kilo basina bir itr alkali suigmek yag yyakumt igin yeterli ortamu saglhyor” diyor. Eat well, feel good We all know that drinking 2 glass of water is a very g thing, b eed to learn that water cleanses the t more when we increase the pH Putting lemon, apple der vinegar or bicarbonate of soda into water increases the pH. W id use these in small amounts without es: ‘Al diets advise is produced after fat burning, which enables weightloss. Liquids such as 0 not replace water, but on th further. Drinking ai overdoing it drinking water to eliminate ac nd fruit juice ify the body contrary ne water, however, both creates the alkaline environment needed to burn fat and makesit easier for the kidneys to do their job. Drinking alot of water is not that important; ust drinking one itre of alkaline water per 20 kilos the right environment to bum fat’ >> UZMANLAR SU iGMEYi DEGIL, ‘ALKALI SU’ IGMEY! GNERILIYOR Experts recommend drinking alkaline water, rather than plain water Monee SAGLIK / HEALTH Spor kan dolasimini arttirmali Kitapta, sporailiskin de temel bilgiler v run kan dolasimunt ve derin nefes alarak oksijen alimint artturmak igin yapilmast gerektiini belirten Dr. Aysegil orulu guntan soyliy “Anti-aging igin en iyi egzersizler yitriyiig, merdiven sikmak, yoga ya da pilates oluyor. Kogu, bisiklet gibi kar- diyo galigmalan ise motoru fazla calistirarak daha fazla egzoz gikarmaya ve oksijensiz. kalmaya neden oluyor. ‘Ayni sey saglikli da olsa gok yemek yemekigin de gever- |i, Hig kimuldamadan oruran ve az yiyen kigi ile saglikh, ama gok yiyip gok spor yapant karstlagtinrsantz, Kane- pede oturan daha ¢ok yasar” Dr. Goruhlu, en iyi egzer- sia zamaninin ise yemeklerden bir saat sonra oldugunun altun giziyor. Egzersiz yaparken terle kaybedilen siviyt yerine koyabilmekigin saat basina bir litre yiksek alkali suigmek gerekiyor. Peansus 66 Exercise should increase blood circulation ‘The book also provides basic information on exercise, Pointing out that exercise improves blood circulation and oxygen intake through deep inhalation, Dr. Ayseg! Goruhlu, states: Walking, climbing stairs, yoga or pilates are the best forms of exercise for anti-ageing. Cardio ‘exercise such as running and cycling work the engine harder, thus creating more exhaust and resulting in 2 lack of oxygen. The same goes for over-eating, even if it is healthy eating. you compare a person who sits perfectly still and eats very little with an individual who eats healthily but a lot and does a lot of exercise, the person on the couch will ive longer’ Dr. Coruhlu underlines that the best time to exercise is one hour after meals. To replace the fluids lost through perspiration during exercise, itis necessary to drink one litre of high alkaline water per hour! @

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