Materialism Writing Prompt

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Materialism Writing Prompt

Original grade: BReflection Paragraph: I chose to include this writing in my portfolio because of the way it reveals
to the reader how different ones life would be if certain items were no longer available to them.
As explained in the paper, materialistic and technological devices are intertwined with desire.
The connection between these two are significant and are explained thoroughly throughout this
paper. I think it is important for people to beware of the connection certain items have in their
life and the impact it could have on them. By reading this the reader will gain knowledge of
Buddhas philosophy and the connection present between the two variables.
Buddhas philosophy regarding materialism and suffering states that desire leads to
suffering. In his teachings, he communicates one must eliminate desire in order to become free
from suffering. This state is known as Nirvana, the final goal of Buddhism. Materialistic things
come with a package known as desire. Desire is a want or longing. According to Buddha, if one
does not have any desires, he or she will not experience any suffering. I agree with his
philosophy. If one disposes of items in their life that they have become dependent upon, they will
experience a sense of loss, but will adjust efficiently over time. With the loss of this dependency,
people will begin to learn a much simpler life, one not filled with futile items. In a lifestyle
where there is no desire and one is obscured from elements obtained in a more luxurious life, one
may have thoughts that they have never had before. With the pureness that accompanies finding
oneself there may be thoughts that surface which have never surfaced before, leading to a
different perception and way of living life.

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