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Catcher in the Rye: Test Questions

1. What is the name of the school Holden is attending at the beginning of the story?
A. Pencey
B. Raymon
C. Jackson
D. Martin
2. What item of clothing does Holden buy during the teams trip to New York?
A. Baseball Cap
B. Red T-shirt
C. Hunting Hat
D. Sneakers
3. How does Holden feel about Pencey Prep?
A. Loves the students
B. He believes they are all phonies
C. Loves the school
D. is not critical of them
4. How do the ice skates affect Holden's view towards his parents?
A. Lousy since they didn't get him the right kind
B. Still doesn't care about them
C. Makes him feel sad for letting his parents down
D. Makes him angry and feel hate towards his parents
5. What do we find out about Holden's father?
A. Former Catholic who left the Church
B. Uninterested in appearances
C. Hates Holden
D. Wants him out of Private School
6. Why is it funny that Stradlater wants Holden to write his paper?
A. Although bad in school Holden is very intelligent
B. Stradlater can write the paper better
C. Holden has not even written his own
D. Stradlater is smarter than Holden
7. Why does Holden think Sally is a phony?
A. She is Shallow
B. Unintelligent
C. Boring
D. Annoying
8. How does Phoebe feel about Holden?
A. Horrible Brother

B. She sees through him

C. Lucky to have him
D. Feels nothing towards him
9. Why did Holden get kicked out of Pencey?
A. Fighting
B. lack of motivation
C. Bad grades
D. answers "B" and "C'
10. What do the ducks mean to Holden?
A. Shows his transition from childhood to adulthood
B. He thinks they are cute
C. the animal lover inside him wants them safe
D. reminds him of his family
11. How is Allie's mitt symbolic?
A. symbol for his emotional expression
B. Shows that he loves baseball
C. That Holden likes his brother
D. He wants to throw it away
12. How would you characterize Holden's relationship with women?
A. generally chivalrous, although sometimes cruel
B. hates all women
C. Sees no point in talking to women
D. None of the Above
13. What does the last line of the book mean?
A. You miss the people you get attached to
B. people will only disappoint you
C. Don't get your hopes up
D. Move on with your life

14. How does Holden react to Ernie's music?

A. thinks its overall pretty good
B. wishes he could play like that
C. doesn't care at all about it
D. Believes Ernie doesn't play with his heart
15. How is the hunting hat symbolic?
A. Shows uniqueness and individualism
B. shows his love for hunting ducks
C. Hides who he is and his feelings

D. shows no direct meaning

16. How much can we judge Holden's description of other people?
A. He is wise and sees people for who they are
B. Knows nothing about anyone and just guesses
C. Very critical of everyone
D. Holden should be trusted for his knowledge of others
17. If Holden is so obsessed with saving children's innocence, why doesnt he worry
more about his own?
A. wants the best for other people and struggles with himself
B. has absolutely no respect for himself
C. he does care about his innocence just doesn't make it apparent
D. None of the Above
18. Allie's dead led to Holdens personality how?
A. Made him upset and confused
B. Made him happier and wanting to try harder in school
C. Made him appreciate what he had
D. none of the above
19. Is Holden a hero, or is he an anti hero?

20. Is Holden consistent in his actions? Is he a fully developed character? Is Holden a

strong character? How? Why?

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