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Sacred Space Visitation

Name: Rebecca Slater

The Presbyterian Church in Westfield
Location: Westfield
Date of Visit: April 5, 2015
Friends or family whom you visited this place of worship with: Katy Kim
Answer the following with more depth:
1. I got the opportunity to visit a WIRED church (WIRED worship)a
more modern day way of praying, which incorporates technology
in Westfield. Ive never been to a church for a service,
especially not one that incorporates technology and rock music.
2. Im not a religious person, so by all means this visit was much
different from my religious tradition, as I do not have one; some
examples were prayers, singing religious songs, etc.
3. I visited the church on Eastera great day to visit!and the
service was mainly devoted to Jesus and the miracle of his
resurrection. There was an abundance of religious music played
by a band, some biblical texts read, videos of cartoons with
religious messages, and the act of placing flowers into a wire
cross by the congregation.
4. The space was a normal room with a shrine for Jesus, composed
of multiple crosses, the wire once previously mentioned, and lots
of flowers. This minimal design of the room put more focus on
the worship and religious aspect of the service.
5. I think this experience opened my mind to both how a different
religion worships and how modern technology can be
incorporated in this worship. However, in some ways it was not a
good idea to go on Easter, though it was much more fun,
because the service only pertained to Jesus and not other stories
or beliefs of Christianity.

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