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Ancient World

Name: Isabel Snee

Name of Church/Temple/Synagogue you visited: Bnai Jeshurun
I.ocation: Short Hills, NJ
Date of Visit: April 24, 2015
Friends with whom you visited place of worship: Julie Phipps, Allen Zhu, Sid Tumu, Jessie
Bernardo, Aryana Mercado, Keri Knachtman.
1. What impressed you most about your visit?
The different greetings. Everyone was very nice and understanding about our visit. I
enjoyed the music, it was vibrant and upbeat.
2. In what ways was this place of worship similar to your religious tradition?
We sang songs, read a homily and other readings from a prayer book.
3. In what ways was this place of worship different from your religious tradition?
Men could wear yamica, the mass was in Hebrew and we were given the challah bread after
the service.
4. Can you briefly describe some of the parts of the service i.e.: leaders, music, prayers,
readings, congregational participation etc.?
The leader was the rabbi, the music was entertaining and the prayers were in Hebrew.
5. In what ways did the physical space enrich the spiritual experience?
It was large, made me feel at peace.
6. Was this a worthwhile experience for you? In what ways yes, in what ways no?
Yes as it was a new culture and celebration to experience. No, as I really did not understand
the service enough and I was nervous.

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