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Class, repeat after me

Island (island)
I like living on an island (I like living on an island)
I like going to an island (I like going to an island)
Island (island)
Alan says (island) Good Alan
Mariella (island) Magaly (island) Pedro (island) Mnica (island) Alright
Manuel (island) Juan (island)
Everybody island (island)
I like living on an island (I like living on an island)
I like to eat on an island (I like to eat on an island)

Ok listen to me again island

everybody with me island
Say with me island

Concept questions: Island

Is it on land?
Is it near the beach?
What do you do with a pen?
Do you write with a pen?
Do you eat this?
What do you do with this?
Do you write with this?
Do you put it on your head?

Ok class Where is he?

Look at the picture in your pairs Where is he? Or what objects can you see?
Where is he?
You can use this one:
I think shes

I dont know

Do you agree?
I dont

Ok class, you can say this I think hes a teacher.

Is he a teacher? Is he a teacher? No, he isnt.
I think hes a (traveller)
Good, say again (traveller)
traveller or? (tourist) tourist, very good.
Repeat after me. I think hes a traveller (I think hes a traveller)
I think hes a tourist (I think hes a tourist)
Alright. So, In your pairs I want you to use this. Alright. 38:18

Ok. Whats this class? Whats this? (a bag) a bag, a bag alright bag or
(suitcase) suitcase very good
I think shes
Alright Whats this? (A plane) Is it a park? (No) Its a (plane) Alright, ok class
Do the same now in your pairs. Who is she? Alright. I think shes ok
Do you agree?
Alright class Stop. Ok
Erick and La, Can you ask and answer?
(I think she is a tourist. Do you agree?)(Yes, I think shes a photographer)
Ok class, very good. Whats this? I think (I think shes a photographer).
Whats this? Its a

(a tower)a tower. The Eiffel Tower. Where is she? Shes in the Eiffel Tower. Ok
said with me Shes in the Eiffel tower (Shes in the Eiffel Tower) Shes in Paris
(Shes in Paris). Whats this? The Statue of Liberty . Ok repeat after me.
Shes in New York (Shes in New York) Shes in New York (Shes in New York)
Whats this, class? (Pisa) Pisa, yes. Alright, repeat after me. Shes in Italy
(Shes in Italy) Shes in Italy (Shes in Italy) Ok class, and whats this? (a

camera) a camera ok repeat after me, a camera (a camera) a camera (a

42:00 Now class lets see. Open your books. Class, you are going to look at
this vocabulary, new vocabulary and you are going to tick the ones you
know, tick. Tick. Tick the words you know and right a question mark next to
the ones you dont know. Ok, What words do you know? Look at the box, for
example, camera. Alright, You know a camera? Show me a camera. How do
we do with a camera? Camera. Alright. Put a tick next to the ones you know.
Alright, camera for example. 42:40
43:40 Ok
Now you are going to match the pictures with the objects you have. For
example camera letter A. Look at the picture and match. Camera A alright.
One object is not in the picture. Ok. One object is not in the picture.

Alright class. Listen to me.

Camera (camera) a camera (a camera) Ok Alright
Now listen watch (watch), a watch (a watch) sunglasses (sunglasses)
sunglasses(sunglasses) sweater (sweater) sweater (sweater) a sweater (a
sweater) magazine (magazine) a magazine (a magazine) newspaper
(newspaper) a newspaper (a newspaper) laptop (laptop) a laptop (a laptop)
dairy (dairy) a dairy (a dairy) tickets (tickets) a ticket (a ticket) passport
(passport) a passport (a passport) purse (purse) a purse (a purse) keys
(keys) hairbrush (hairbrush) hairbrush (hairbursh) a hairbrush (a hairbrush)
mp3 player (mp3 player) mp3 player (mp3 player) an mp3 player (an mp3
player) mobile phone (mobile phone) a mobile phone (a mobile phone)
toothbrush (toothbrush) a toothbrush (a toothbrush) again a toothbrush (a
toothbrush) ok class. Alright.
Now whats this? (A hairbrush) Where do you use this? Is it for my? No (no)
This is for my? This is for my? (head) head. Good Alan. Show a camera, show
me your camera

An honest person
An hour
A university student
A unique plan
An mp3 player

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