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answers for activity: 1 - acronym 2-borrowing (from Arabic) 3 - commonisation 4 - compounding 5 - affixing 6 - shortening 7 - calquing (from French) 8 - conversion 9 - blending 10 - coinage 11 - abbreviation 12 - eponym 13 - backformation 4. The Meaning Of Liff was a book written by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd. It gives fictional definitions to real place names (mostly British but some international). Some are included here as examples. The full list can be seen at! Use the examples for a discussion or for an illustration activity where students draw the definition. The paragraph at the start of the activity is the foreword from the book. There are then 7 unusual ‘Australian place names for | students to define and give 2. Read ‘Wordstarts’ and ‘Wordloans’. 3. WAYS OF FORMING WORDS Copy the following notes into your book. crea haven OLR fice Sesto pee b tmcohy Feo Compounding is the word formation process in jich‘two or more wofds combine into a single new word. Compound words may be written as one word or as two words joined with a hyphen. Shortening is the word formation process in which a word is reduced or shortened without changing the meaning of the word. [ql |y 79, we Blending is the word formation process in which parts of two or more words combine to create a new word whose freanina is often a combination of the original words.» L hen, sexpert ~ good hye Slay Affixing is the word formation process in which a prefix, suffix oinfix attaches fo the base form of aword to create anew word. (An USuial wnglgld stireh gold ny Back-formation is the word formation process in which an actual or supposed derivational affix detaches from the base form of a word to create a new ort vabwerts destruct / Chala @ ; Conversion is the word formation process in which a word of one grammatical form becomes a word of another ae form without any changes to spelling or pronunciation. een ata mbes Abbreviation is the word awk pro coin wi ich ‘dea or phrase is shortened. Intialisms are a type of abbreviation formed by the initial letters of a word or pare M ON \, BY Dis peee sry Key MN 0 Acronyms are words formed by the wo! process in which an initialigm is pronounced apne wale ote ; e a isc we Cb H Us ea CARP tahun erv HSATPSCHA Coinage is the word formation process in which a new word is created either deliberately or accidentally without vsing the other word formation processes and often from seemingly nothing. K\Q2N\) x, Ny lin, Frisleo, EScalato, parts of speech for. They can also illustrate this as an extra activity. Borrowing is the word formation process in which a word from one language is borrowed directly into another language. AV IghOT. cice | liv Calquing is the word formation process in which a borrowed word or phrase is literally translated from one language to another. } Goverrer-gerea | Sorgeb-me-nobSiao wers¢ Commonisation is the process of a product's brand-name becoming the generic term {oF that product. Oly7gGa,,__|| rp var» colgake Here are some examples of each of these ways of forming words. Next to each one write the method that has been used. There is one example for each method. Word Method AIDS ‘Algebra Band-aid Break-up Disappear Exam Flea market =| x) 2) a] ale] yo Microwave (noun) — Microwave (verb) 9. Motel 10.Nylon 77.RSVP 12. Sandwich 13.Televise

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