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1. Summary : a compact statements of the points, shorter version of the passage/chapter.
Five children, Claudia , Colin Ralph, and Robbo, all with very different personalities are
chosen to go on a trip to Old Harwick hall. The children discover a secret room behind a door
at Old Harwick Hall. The room used to belong to a boy and it has been abandoned for many
years. Claudia stumbles upon a dust covered green album. The following words are written on
the album : Richard Clayton Harwick My Story. Read and Weep. Ralph suggests that they
read the album that night so they decided to pretend to be fast asleep when Miss ODell and
Mr Plumley are convinced that the children are tired and sleeping like logs. Mr Plumley
listens intently as Miss ODell reveals how the five children are choosen. However, she does
not disclose enough information to satisfy Mr Plimleys curiosity. The children, who are
actually wide awake, also eavesdrop into the conversation between Miss ODell and Mr
Plimley. They find Miss ODells reply hard to believe.
2. Setting : Place, time and social environment of the novel.
a. Old Harwick Hall Old Building where students came for a school activity each year.
b. The Tower Room a room in atower with beds; hexagon shaped; the five children
told their stories here.
c. The Secret Room a small room next to the tower room with a barely visible door.
3. Plot : sequence of actions and events in the novel.
a. Exposition : 5 selected pupils arrive at Old Harwick Hall on stormy night, wondering
why they were picked to travel in the minibus instead in the bus with the rest of the
b. Rising action : settle down into a little tower room with beds. They discover hidden
door in the boys room.
c. Climax ; they find album belonging to Richard Harwick which contains his story.
d. Falling Action : They decided to read the album so they have to pretend to be asleep.
e. Resolution : Miss ODell and Mr Plumley came with sandwiches and drinks but
seeing them asleep. Miss ODell reveals that they are selected but did not disclose the
reason for it.

4. Characters : the people in the story.

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