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Mccarthy, Gina[McCarthy.]

Wed 4/16/2014 6:56:58 AM
Corn Ethanol isn't a Sustainable Fuel

Ms. Regina McCarthy
William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building, Room 3000
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460-0001
Dear Ms. McCarthy,
I am writing to express my concern about the negative impact of the
Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) on our environment. I urge you to take
action to prevent any further damage to our environment from the
federal corn ethanol mandates contained in the Renewable Fuel Standard
by supporting efforts to lower the 2014 Renewable Volume Obligations
and congressional efforts to reform the RFS.
The RFS has troubling impacts on our environment most notably when it
comes to land conversion. Since President Obama took office in 2009,
over five million acres of American conservation land--an area larger
than the size of Yellowstone, Everglades and Yosemite National Parks
combined--have been plowed to make room for more corn crops to fulfill
federal ethanol mandates.
The process of plowing conservation land more than negates any sort of
reduced emissions claimed by mandate supporters. Researchers from
Princeton University found that the land conversion process spurred on
by federal ethanol mandates doubles emissions over a 30 year period.
Even the EPA's own data has revealed worsened air quality and increased
emissions as a result of the RFS.
In addition to land use and emissions impacts, federal biofuels
mandates present a serious threat to our water supply. From field to
final product, the process of producing ethanol strains our valuable
resources. Between 2005 (the year the RFS was passed) and 2010, corn
farmers increased their nitrogen fertilizer usage by over 1 billion
pounds contributing to the growing dead zone devoid of life in the Gulf
of Mexico--and it's only expected to get worse. Not to mention, it
takes upwards of 30 times the amount of water to refine a gallon of
ethanol than a gallon of gasoline, sucking up valuable resources during
this time of intense drought.
The RFS is a broken policy having detrimental effects on the world
around us. It's time to reform federal corn ethanol mandates: support
the lowering of the 2014 Renewable Volume Obligations and congressional
efforts to reform the RFS.
3109 S 205th Rd

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0000664

Goodson, MO 65663-7103

CREW FOIA 2014-006851-0000665

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