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Effect of Possible Legalization of Polygamy

Esly Ramos
English 10H Pd.2

Many cultures, governments and individuals do not accept the practice of certain rituals
or customs. Polygamy is a taboo practice that certain religions practice. Polygamy is when a
person, usually a man, marries more than one woman. There is a controversy of whether or not
polygamy should be legalized here, in the United States. Through information on the background ~


of polygamy, and the pros and cons of polygamy, there can be a valid conclusion drawn
regarding this controversial topic.





I acquired my knowledge of polygamy through politics, Things fall apart, and discussion
with my friends. To start off, Mitt Romney, former presidential candidate is a Mormor' Through
all of the media attention put on Romney and his religion, I learned that polygamy is indeed
practiced by Mormons, especially Mormon fundamentalist. Secondly, in the novel Things fall
apart, the African village of focus practices polygamy. This gives me the insight that ,any
African countries practice polygamy freely and it is not as distasteful as expected. Thirdly,
through television and the show Sister Wives, I have learned that polygamy is practiced in the
United States, even though it is illegal.










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I am not fully aware if the practice of polygamy, and I do not know why it is illegal in
most countries. One reason I chose this topic was because I have always been intrigued by how


outlaw groups live. ~~o~~inu~/~

is puzzling to me why polygamy is illegal in some countries

but not in others. Furthermore, this research will give me a better understanding of all aspects of
polygamy. I hope to learn about the pros and cons of polygamy and whether or not it should be/~
legalized. The knowledge that I acquire will help me and other people make a solid opinion
about the legalization of polygamy.

In the process of my research, I obtained information through many sources, both online
and in books. I found my sources through online databases and call numbers in the library;
however, I obtained no information through interviews because I conducted none. When I was
done finding my sources, I found that I had too many and there were some that were useless. I


had to read them all and find the best ones for my specific topic of research.

Polygamists, especially Mormon Fundamentalist, have been in a struggle with the federal
government to have polygamy legalized. To start off, polygamy is clearly practiced in the United
States. In fact, " ...the number of Utahans living in polygamous families has increased tenfold in
the last 50 years and is now at about 40,000 people or 2 percent of the state population ..."
(Brooke Online). Furthermore, polygamy has a religious meaning to it. For example, in this
country Mormon Fundamentalist believe that" ...true Mormons could attain the highest levels of
heaven by conceiving as many children as possible so that they would bring more souls out of

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(Brooke Onlme). On the same note, It IS official that polygamy IS

banned from Mormonism} Even though polygamy is illeg~, it "continued unofficianr fO~years,

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[but] the official ban made dealing with the federal government much easier because polygamy

was illegal in the United States." (Hanks 83)

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that can be used to protect people that are part of that kind of relationship. Many "busy husbands
with busy wives should be able to have younger wives who stay home to bear lots of
children ...[Also,] polygamy should lead to more babies ..." (Ho online). It benefits the family as a
whole to have extra help around to raise children. Furthermore, legalizing can protect
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polygamous wives from unfmr treatment. If polygamy is legalized, then "marriage and divorce
law will protect polygamous wives, instead of scaring them into hiding." (Kurtz Online). This
would be beneficial for both women and children. Some monitoring can be done "by
legitimizing polygamy and allowing its practitioners to join mainstream ...thereby redJcing any
problems." (Kurtz Online). Legalizing polygamy can help reduce the present abuse ald people
may live their lives more peacefully.
Polygamy is currently disapproved and illegal in the United States because of the


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If the government does choose to legalize polygamy, then the benefits that come out of )

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on individuals. Polygamy causes people to be married to their relatives,

and most of the time by force. A woman named "Rowenna Erickson, a Tapestry member who
left the clan in 1991, said that incest... [was] becoming more frequent in the clan, which numbers
about 1,500 people." (Brooke Online). Overall, there is a significant amount of public
disapproval of polygamy in the United States. About, ""Twenty-two percent of voters told
Gallup last year that they would not back a Mormon of their own party for president.. " (Lane
Online). Lastly, the groups that are involved with polygamy also practice other illega activities.
Apart from being judge for being polygamist, religious groups such as Mormon Fund mentalist,




Ramos 4

are "accused of involvement in the trafficking and abuse of young teenaged girls, subjecting
children to dysfunctional and abusive families, exploiting young men, [and] trapping women in a
world of pain ..." (Hebbert Online). It is pretty clear that even though polygamy is illegal, it does
not stop individuals from practicing it, even to the extremes.

During this research project, I have found that there are valid arguments to both sides of
this controversy. However, my overall opinion goes for the legalization of polygamy. This is
because it can help stop the abuse and belittling of minor groups within that one society. It is the
sole right of an individual to practice whatever they like and the government should not get
involved, generally. Nevertheless, limitations and tracing on polygamous practices will not affect
anyone outside of that social loop.

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Ramos 5

Works Cited

James. "Utah Struggles with Revival of Polygamy." New York Times 23 Aug. 1998: n.
pag. Pro Quest Platinum. Web. 26 Feb. 2013.



Maxine, and Jean Kinney. Mormon Faith in America. Ed. J. Gordon Melton. New York:
Facts on Files, 2003. Print.


Rebekan. "Polygamy Harms Marriage and Society." Mercatornet 2011: n. pag.

Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Web. 26 Feb. 2013.

J Ho, Andy. "Why Polygamy Should Be Allowed." Straits Times 3 Mar. 2011: n. pag. SIRS Issues
Researcher. Web. 26 Feb. 2013.

Stanley. "Polygamy versus Democracy." Weekly Standard 5 June 2006: n. pag. Pro Quest
Platinum. Web. 26 Feb. 2013.


Charles. "The Mormon Question." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette [Pittsburgh] 5 Feb. 2012: n.

pag. SIRS. Web. 26 Feb. 2013.

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