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Aaron Cornelius

History Teacher
Craftsbury Academy
P.O. Box 73
Craftsbury, VT 05826
(802) 586-9900
May 4th, 2015
Dear Sir or Madam,
Try as I did I could not convince Kisiah Waterhouse to stay at Craftsbury Academy! She was
determined to attend the Technical Center and pursue her dream of becoming a beautician.
Though I had hoped to keep her in my classroom another two years, her tenacity and drive to
pursue her goals was impressive, and Im confident that she will be successful in her path.
As Kisiahs history teacher I became impressed with her bright mind and solid writing skills. At
the beginning of this school year she was immersed in a strong academic curriculum, including
AP Literature. I have no doubt that she would have been successful on that path, and that she
would have been a very strong college student. She may have found new interests and broadened
her ambitions had she remained on her advanced academic path, but she already knows her mind
and has a plan for her life.
Kisiah is a confident and organized young woman, with a tremendous ability to follow through
on tasks even under pressure. She is kind, helpful, reliable, and playful. I cannot think of any
character trait she has which would be a liability in the vast majority of the educational and
employment settings she is likely to face. I have so much confidence in her, and she appears to
be blossoming with self-confidence as well.
I know Kisiah has everything she needs to be successful, and am pleased to recommend her to
you. She knows her mind, she has a plan for her future, and she has every talent, trait, and ability
to make her ambitions become reality. I strongly recommend her to you, whether for
employment of for further education. You will be as impressed with her as I have been. Thank
you for considering her.
Aaron Cornelius

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