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ARNIS893 Senate Armed Services Committee ms 3 es X Ron concn. MARKUP AMENDMENT 203 2016 National Defense uthortin At Minoe chong b& Committee Amendment Proposed bs 5 romittos eat Propored by Say Chur Mr, Reed to [ARM15600) Taivaky— 1 On page 1, strike line 22. OTN rN UNTIL [RELEASED BY THESASC ateatis600 [ NDAAIG XI For Nate 1 BLC. 1 SEC. (ARM16000]. SOUTH CHINA SEA INITIATIVE, 2 (a) Assisrancr AUrHORIZD— 3 (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Defense, 4 with tho conewrence of the Socrotary of State, is 5 anthorized, for the purpose of increasing maritime 6 ——seourity and maritime domain awareness of foreign 7 countries along the South China Sen— 8 (A) to provide assistance to national mili- 9 tary or other security forces of such countries 10 that have among their ftmotional responsibilities ll maritime seeurity missions; and 12 (B) to provide training to ministry, agency, 13 and headquarters level organizations for such 14 forees. 15 (2) DESIGNATION OF ASSISTANGH AND TRAIN- 16 1N@.—The provision of assistance and training 17 under this section may be referred to as the “Sonth 18 China Sea Initiative”. 19 (b) Recrrrar Counnauss.—The foreign countries 20 that may be provided assistance and training under sub- 21 section (a) are the following: 2 (1) Cambodta 23 (2) Indonesia, 24 (3) Malaysia, Eveancoeo uni RELEASED BV THESASC. ARM15600_ [ NDAAIG6 XII For Nats } SLC. 2 (4) The Philippines. (5) Thailand. (6) Vietnam. (0) TYPES OF ASSISTANCE AND ‘TRATNING.— (1) AUTHORIZED ELEMENTS OF AssisraNcE— Assistanee provided under subsection (a)(1)(A) may include the’ provision of equipment, supplies, train- ing, and small-seale military construction. Cea A KAY (2) ReQunRD BLEMENTS OF ASSISTANCE AND 10 TRAINING.—Assistaneo and training provided mder 11 subseetion (a) shall include clements that promoto 12 the following: 13 (A) Observance of and respect for human 14 rights and fundamental freedoms, 15 (B) Respect for legitimate civilian quthor- 16 ity within the country to which the assistance 17 is provided, 18 (a) Prionivms ror Assistancg AND ‘TRAINING.— 19 In deyoloping programs for assistance or training to be 20 provided under subsection (a), the Seerctary of Defense 21 shall aceord a priority to assistaneo, training, or both that 22. will enhance the maritime capabilities of the veefpient for- 23 eign country, or a regional organization of which the re- 24 cipient country is a mewiber, to respond to emerging threats to maritime security. R ‘THis DOCUMENTIS. [BMBARGOED UNTIL IGLEAGHD BY THE GAGE axaiascoo [ NDAAIG XII For Nats 1 sie. 3 1 (@) INCREMENTAL, EXPENS:S OF PERSONNRI, OF 2 Curran Oruer COUNTRIES FOR TRAINING — 3 (1) AvrHoRty FOR PavwmNT—IC the See 4 retary of Defense determines that the payment of in- 5 evemental expenses in conection with training de- 6 ——seribed in subseotion (a)(1)(B) will facilitate the 7 participation in such training of organization per- 8 sonnel of forcign countries specified in paragraph 9 2), the Seoretary may use amounts available under 10 subsection (f) for assistance and training under sub- 11 seetion (a) for the payment of such incremental ex- 12 penses. 13 (2) Covers counrrus—The foreign coun- 14 tries specified in this paragraph are the following: 15 (A) Brunei. 16 (B) Singapore. 17 (C) Taiwan. 18 (f) Fonpive.—Iands may be used to provide assist- 19 ance and training under subscetion (a) as follows: 20 (1) In fiseal year 2016, $50,000,000 from 2 amounts authorized to be appropriated for the De- 22 partment of Defonse for that fiscal year for oper- 23 ation and maintenance, Defense-wide. 24 (2) In fiseal year 2017, $75,000,000 from 25 amounts authorized to be appropriated for the De- ‘Twig DOCUMENT 18 EMBARCOED UNTIL, RELEABED BY THEGASC anariscoo [NDAAIG XII For Nats 1 sLo. 4 1 partment of Defense for that fiseal yoar for opor- ation aud inaintenanee, Defonse-wide. (8) In each of fiseal yoars 2018 through 2020, $100,000,000 from amounts authorized to be appro- priated for the Department of Defense for such fis- eal year for operation and maintenance, Defense- wide, (@) Novick 70 CoNcRess oN AssisraNc AND wari annaern ‘TRaINING.—Not later than 16 days before exercising the 10 authority under subsection (a) or (e) with respect to a re- 11 cipiont foreign country, the Secretary of Defonso shall sub- 12 mit to the congressional defense committees # notification 13. containing the following: 14 (1) The recipient foreign country. 15 (2) A detailed justification of the program for 16 the provision of the assistance or training concerned, 17 and its relationship to United States soourity intor- 18 ests, 19 (8) ‘The budget for the program, including a 20 timetable of planned expenditures of fmds to imple- 21 ment the program, an implementation timeline for 22 the program with milestones (including anticipated 23 livery schedules for any assistance under the pro- 24 gram), the militmy department or component re- ‘Tis DOCUMENT IS ERBARGOED UNTIL RGLFASLD OY THESASC ARa15600 [ NDAAL XII For Nats } S.C. 5 1 sponsible for management of the program, and the 2 anticipated completion date for the program. 3 (4) A description of the arrangements, if any, 4 to support host nation sustainment of any eapability 5 dovoloped pursuant to the program, and the souree 6 of fimds to support sustainment efforts and per- 7 formanee outeomes to be achieved under the pro- 8 gram beyond its completion date, if applicable. . 9 (5) A description of the program objectives and 10 am assessment framework to be used to develop ea- 11 pability and performance metrics associated with 12 ‘operational outcomes for the recipient force, 13, (6) Such other mattors as the Secretary con- 14 siders appropriate. 15 (t) Expration.—The authority provided under this 16 section may not be exercised after September 30, 2020, THis DOCUMENTS SNBARGOED UNTIL RELEASED BY THE SASC.

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