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Zhou 1

Kevin Zhou
Ms. Thompson
AP Lang, Block 2, Skinny A
May 16th, 2015
Independent Creative Writing Piece Sonnet for Rice
If only I could eat that wondrous food,
As I have not eaten it in a week,
It would honestly brighten up my mood,
As it always makes me whole and complete.

The pangs of hunger dip me in a trance

As I sit waiting for the bell to ring.
My mind wanders back to that food, by chance,
Of its wonders that make me want to sing.

Across the nations in which it is grown,

It cheaply feeds billions without fail,

Zhou 2
If ever a lack of it, people groan,
As its phenomenal taste never stales.

Finally! The bell rang once, twice, then thrice,

As I bolted out to lunch, with my rice.

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