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Jennifer Huo

Legacy Project Reflection
The Sacred Place experience and Legacy Project were all
meant to reiterate the religions we had learned in class.
However, it included a twist this time we were able to live the
religion. The purpose of the Ancient World class is to learn
aspects of each religion and find how they are still popular and
thriving today. This is why we had to choose an eternal truth
from our artifact and prove it true during both the ancient and
present-day world. During the Sacred Space experience, I
attended a Passover Seder and learned a lot about the Jewish
religion. I learned the process of the Seder and also stories
about the holiday and how Moses led the Israeli slaves out of
Egypt. I was able to experience the religion in real life and apply
my knowledge to the task at hand. While working on the legacy
project, I also learned a lot. My artifact was the Amitabha
Buddha, a symbol of care and love. It proved that helping others
and having the right mindset could lead to success in ones
future. I also proved this eternal truth true in many modern day
examples. I learned that this truth had been used many times
and in many places all around me. It made me more aware of
what was happening in my own life. The Buddha can be related
to the life of a human, since both show humanistic qualities and
actions. After completing this project, I learned to have my own
right mindset and attitude and to believe in myself in order to be
successful in the future.

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