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Brittany Joy

Translation: Practice & Theory

03 February 2010

Wen a man trottes hym off to gaol

wele shood he do to have hym

a talle ov manly crymes;

gruesomme violent actes

fare beter far then biting

a ravel skayter at the nee!

A man who hath steeled

from armored wagons is shoor manly,

and he, too, who resists accosting sheriffs.

Robbertty Jenkinn hath no sich manly

storey to regail his componions,

for he was errestid at the wall-market

for making watter upon the mete!

The men of laws came to the market

wen Jenkinn exposed his pizzle

to piss on the stakes.

Mayhap Jenkinn purposed

to make an impromtu barbecue,

but runed he six hundreds

of dollars in gude meet.

Shoppers be wary, for

at the wall-market,

full likely they splashed

clear water on the meat!

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