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This story is about a family who was spending a day in the park. The father,
Morton, and his wife took their son Larry. Everything was going fine until another
boy at the park threw sand at the woman's child. This resulted in a standoff
between Morton and the other boy's father. The other man was unconcerned about
the situation and indicating your child to do what he wants. His wife senses Morton
is angry and he gets up, but she does not stop him. Inside her heart she wants him
fight for what she feels is justice. She may have wanted to see the manly side of
Morton. Morton backed down from the fight because the boy's father is much
larger than Morton. The mother took the child and left the park. She was upset with
Morton about his attitude to the situation. She hoped Morton defend his family.
The story expresses how society has softened "The Man". Traditionally women see
men as protectors. At other times more men acted instinctively, but now tend to be
more diplomatic. On the contrary, many women, despite advances in women's
rights and liberation are still seeing man as the greatest power in the family.

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