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Digital Security

Protect yourself from the dangers of the internet

Although there are a lot of good people on the

internet, there are also a lot of bad ones. There
are people who are looking to steal information
and disrupt the lives of innocent people.
However, there are many precautions you can
take to make sure you, your family, and your
personal information is protected.

14.2% of ident it y t hef t s are f rom misuse of

personal inf ormat ion. Having passwords and
being cautious about who you share
information with will help prevent this.
Approximat el y 9 mil l ion Americans f al l vict im
t o ident it y t hef t each year. If you think
something has happened to your identity or
information report it immediately to help
decrease your chances of being a victim.
Ident it y t hef t is t he f ast est growing crime in
America, and approximately 19 people fall
victim to identity theft every minute.


- Make passwords for all
your online accounts
- Don't share personal
information with websites
yo don't trust (birthday,
phone number, etc.)
- Don't talk to people you
don't know

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