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The Things They Carried and Apocalypse Now Essay

In a well-organized essay, you will analyze the war stories from the film Apocalypse
Now, determining whether they could be true war stories. You will base your analysis of
these stories on Tim OBriens rules of a true war story, found in the chapter How to Tell
a True War Story.
Choose at least three different segments or stories from the film, and explain why they
could be true according to Tim OBrien. Use three different rules from OBriens list
(three for each story). You must use a minimum of 7 different rules from OBriens list;
therefore you may only repeat two rules in your essay.
Be sure to EXPLAIN why each rule fits the story you choose. It is not enough to tell me
a story is true because crazy stuff is true. Tell me what is so crazy about the story for it
to be true.
Use quotations from the film. This means you must watch attentively, and take notes.
Remember to avoid using you in the essay.
Due date: _______________________________
Double space with 12 font Times New Roman (no hand written papers will be
3-4 pages in length
No headings/title
Quote the film (take notes as you watch)

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