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Armon Swinson
Mrs. Wats
Literature Composition 9
19 November 14In the story Romeo
and Juliet there many different things going on in the story Romeo and them had many different
battles in the story. I chose four paradoxes fighting vs peace, love vs hate, medicine vs posion,
and camrade vs foe. In the story its talks about Romeo has find love , but something was in the
way for him to get it. Shakespeare wrote many different paradoxes to explain the ways u can find
how to love.

In the paradox Fighting vs Peace its talks about the beginning and how the
fighting broke out. what art thou drawn among these heartless hinds? Turn the Benvolio
death,(Tybalt 1.1.63-64) I do but keep the peace. Put thy sword or manage it to part these men
with me, (Benvolio 1.1. 65-66) this all started when tybalt was looking for Romeo and he saw
In the paradox Love vs Hate is when the two houses were in trouble by the Prince and
they could not fight on the streets of verona. By thee, old capulet, and montague have thrice
disturbed the quiet of our streets and made Veronas ancient citizens cast by their grave

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beseeming ornaments, ( Prince 1.1.86-89) My bounty is as boundless as the sea my love as
deep; the more i give to thee the more i have, for both are infinite,(Juliet 2.2.133-135)
In the paradox Medicine vs Poison this is the scene where the friar gave Juliet a sleeping
potion so she is dead and she want have to marry Paris. Take thou this vial, being in bed and
this distilling liquor drink thou off, ( Friar 4.1.93-94) Let me have a dram of poison, such soon
speeding gear as will disperse itself through all the veins that the life weary taker may fall
dead, ( Romeo 5.1.59-62)
in this last paradox Camrade vs Foe is where Mercutio and Tybalt start to fight and
Romeo tries to break it up. Mercutio, thou consort with Romeo, (Tybalt 3.1.42) God king of
cats, nothing but one of your nine lives, ( Mercutio 3.1.74-75)
In closing i thought this was a great story because it talks about how these star-crossed
lovers meet and get marry but at the they die together and still love each other. Thats why i love
this story.

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Works Cited
Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Person common core literature.
Georgia .
William G. Brozo. Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.,2015. 508-632.Print

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