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By: Jennifer Sapon


The main vegetation in the state of Calor is:

Calor Flannelbush
Coffee .
Calor Flannelbush are the top beautiful
flowers you can find in Calor.
The most delicious coffee that you can find
is the new recent coffee called French Kiss
Is only made in Calor.


Some Natural Resources in Calor is:

Gold and
Some jewelry are really expensive because
its made of expensive gold.


Natural Disasters really hit Calor a lot and it

caused a lot of deaths.



Calor is one of them states that is

endangered of animals and kills habitats for
many of them.
Endangered Animals (southern sea otter)
(Bald eagle)


Calor was discover by this guy named

Junipero Serra, which was establish in 1501.

The Journey

After the discovered, their was a big War J of

who would take control of the state. The
fight was between Mexico and England.
Mexican people won the War J and got
control of Calor. One day, Calor was split in
half that caused deaths, and destroyed
houses and streets. It was provoked by a big
earthquake that split in half San Francisco
city. When the street was split in half, many
people fell in the hole and all died. The only
way they could of survive was by evacuating
the city before the earthquake stroked. Many
people lost their homes and needed to adapt
in a new city. The place where the
earthquake happen, got converted into a
beautiful river where a lot of


Population 42.77 million people

Birth rate: 2.5 per woman
Death Rate: 5/1000
Life expectancy Rate: 85.65
Urban Percentage: 86.56
Rural percentage: 13.44


Calor has a Representative democracy. Only

citizens can vote at the age of 15. We would
have the same freedom as Texas but with
rules so people wont get out of control and
wont start crazy stuff in Calor. We want Calor
to be safe and secured.


My country has a mixed economy. It has a

command and a free market . Mixed
economy is controlled by the government
and partly based on the forces of supply and

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