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When I first wanted to start this project I wanted to create a golden sun in desmos

however during my first draft i was repeating quadratics, circles, and lines over and over again
and I found that bland and boring. My solution for this problem was discussing with my peers
(Clancy and Skylar) until Skylar brought up the idea of using TAN, COS, and SIN so I did and
my creation was a result that reminded me of a supernova exploding star and thats what I ran
with. The Equation was simple just switching around TAN, COS, and SIN and adding a theta
symbol instead of zeros.
My understanding of functions were mostly clouded by confusion and it took me a while until i
understood what different equations would produce different translations and or patterns. Even
still with my drawing done I feel as if there is so much more to theses calculations but desmos
help me view math in a more hands on version than I had recently experienced with other math
forms. The largest differences I saw in my drawing is what TAN, COS and SIN did. TAN formed
more straight lines that were parallel with another line and adjusting its theta symbol with lower
numbers would add more lines. COS created several different lines going in each direction and
how many lines there were was adjusted by adding a higher number with the theta symbol
following that. SIN judging by how high the number before the theta symbol was would either
make a butterfly wing pattern if it was a low number and if it was a high number it would make a
spiral oddly enough which is still mesmerizing to me.
This project helped me get a better understanding on functions and what their physical looks

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