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Duties Of The Chief Engineer

In all ships, the various items comprising the whole of power unit are the
whole of the power unit are the responsibility of the chief engineer, whose duties
are generally supervisory, consultant and decision making.
Look on board M.V HADAR at this very night. The Chief Engineer item, about
the engines rotation, the temperature of the piston and cylinders, the comsumption
of fuel oil and lubricating oil.
He will analyze it, and compare it white previous day or voyage in order to
get the degree of effectiveness of engine
From those datas, he will make a plan for routine maintenance and then the
annual docking repair. Any irregularities found, will not be escaped from his eyes.
He will discuss it with other engineers and will report it to the master, if any unusual
step should be taken, as to stop the engine or slowing down.
Although his duties are not connected to the commercial activities of the
vessel, but nevertheless, the successful operation of the vessel depends upon the
smoothness of his work.
The rank of the Chief Engineer on board is just one small step under the
captain, for the responsibility of the vessel as a whole, is in the hand of the captain.
The Chief engineers of a fleet are supervised by the head of technical
department who is usually the most senior and capable engineer of the company.

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