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Presented By:

Ganesh Shinde
Ganesh Jethe
Sameer Sawant
Nisha Verghese
Rohit Thakur

Question 1
What Mr. Mathur should have done
before giving his Word For
Reward to Delhi Office Staff?

Mr Mathur joins as the new Sales
Manager at Delhi headquarters.
During his first interaction meeting
with the field force,Mr Mathur learns
that their morale was very low.

So as to motivate the field force, Mr Mathur
gives word that they will get the reward.
This decision was his own and was not
approved by the higher authorities.

Question 2
Do you approve of the action taken
by Mr. Mathur after the mid-year
performance review?
Explain/justify your answer.

Facing Problem
Main Strength
Sales Task
Other Measures

Question 3
Do you feel the Company took the
Right Decision to sack Mr. Mathur?
Justify your answer.

Yes, the Company took a right

decision to sack Mr. Mathur.

When you work for a company your
actions are no longer yours but the
companys as a whole.
Worked earlier with GPL-> So aware
of all policies
Resorting to foul rather than fair
means for keeping his promise.
Authenticity of data lost and false
reports about the accomplishments
of targets.

Company reputation at stake as

goods were delivered to unauthorized
dealers and stockists
Loss in monetary terms deviating
company from its ambitious target
Employees only responsible but
Directors accountable
Image and reputation of the company
suffered a serious setback.

Question 4
What are the lessons to be
learnt from this Case study?

Learnings from the Case Study

Every organization.
Must have

Must not have

Ambitious target
Attractive and liberal
reward system
Encouragement for
Healthy Competition
People-oriented people

Individualized reward
Frequent termination of
services and appointment
of a new employee
Use of foul means

Learnings from the Case Study

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